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South African farmers have a few problems too

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    South African farmers have a few problems too

    Canada isn't the worst place to be farming;


    Look closely at the stats.

    They say when you invest in land you think it is secure but the government can screw that up.

    I could happen here if we keep electing brain dead ****s like Trudeau who think they have to right the wrong of every past injustice. What the hell are the politicians in South Africa gonna say when their people are starving. That it’s the white guys fault that he didn’t stay and work to feed them. The problems they have run a lot deeper they the black people wanting to own the land. The biggest trail of bullshit there government is spinning is the fact that the average black person wont own the land anyway. The government will. Commie politics at its finest.


      Hunters and gatherers were never farmers. You can give them the land but in the end they won't be able to feed themselves let alone others....not in the same sense as its used today...it would go back to its former use....for hunting and gathering.

      Seems certain cultures/nationalities are more the farmer types than others. Even seems hereditary to a degree


        Like it works so well in Zimbabwe...


          Originally posted by burnt View Post
          Like it works so well in Zimbabwe...
          Unfortunately, South Africa may end up the same . Not saying it will , but history says otherwise


            Hmmm hunters and gatherers sounds like harvesting drought induced low yeilding aussie crop

            All jokes aside i only know one guy over there and he never says much but its not a good scenario and seems like intervention or at least compensation is due.

            My south african freind says "look deeper dig deeper" into the reasoning cryptic comment but hes suggesting its about mineral/oil wealth and govt want the land.


              Originally posted by malleefarmer View Post
              Hmmm hunters and gatherers sounds like harvesting drought induced low yeilding aussie crop

              All jokes aside i only know one guy over there and he never says much but its not a good scenario and seems like intervention or at least compensation is due.

              My south african freind says "look deeper dig deeper" into the reasoning cryptic comment but hes suggesting its about mineral/oil wealth and govt want the land.
              So what happens when the government controls all the land?

              They will turn over all development to foreign interests because of an abysmal lack of domestic knowledge and capability to run development themselves.

              Not to mention that the local "King" benefits quite handsomely while the nobodies starve or survive on what crumbs the King doles out.. (Rather like the indigenous chiefs do here)

              That's just the way it is in their culture - I have family and acquaintances over there and their experience and observation is the evidence.

              China is gaining steady and increasing control of some of the most strategic resources and providing the infrastructure.

              And some thought the Boers were capable of rough means to their goals?


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