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New Study: Antarctic Ice Melting at Alarming Rate

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    https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/labrador-lodge-snow-june-6-foot-snow-banks-unprecedented-june-2018-atlantic-canada-newfoundland/104706/ https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/labrador-lodge-snow-june-6-foot-snow-banks-unprecedented-june-2018-atlantic-canada-newfoundland/104706/


      Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
      Antarctic ice melt has increased in last decade, so much that in 600 years, if nothing else changes, the sea might rise a foot. Yep I said 600 years.

      Arcticle just says that 80 “scientists”, it doesn’t say who hires them and pays them to preach that at this alarming rate we are in big trouble. The melting ice might raise the oceans a half a millimeter a year. Oh yeh, half a mill is less than 1/50 th of an inch. It would take more than 600 years to rise a foot, only if you dont take into account increased evaporation caused by global warming. There was no mention of increase in fresh water resulting from the increased evaporation.

      Good grief, if I have to worry about 600 hundred years and cities that build right at ocean level, what a bunch of total garbage.

      They use these scare tactics and Ordinary Joe in this world doesn’t even know what half millimeter is. How can you even measure sea level in such an minute amount? But the article leaves that part out. What total crap!
      Classic fear-mongering!

      Make a vague warning that nobody will live long enough to refute.
      Receive government subsidy and funding for your “study”.
      Government can use study to justify a carbon tax.


        In any event the Antarctic ice levels should already have disappeared based on previous doomsday predictions. 🙈


          Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
          In any event the Antarctic ice levels should already have disappeared based on previous doomsday predictions. 🙈

          That is the best explanation of the science involved is climate .. all hard core factual science ..... lol


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