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trip to SK

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    Best idea is to come and work for a successful farmer, then do what they do if you want to farm. This country has a habit of flushing out Europeans. In our area most, not all, but definitely most immigrants last barely 6 years.


      GWW , yup 30 km North of us looks like full winter still today. Glaslyn east to Spiritwood looks like Jan right now. Can go snowmobiling anywhere through that area.


        Sask is a big place. Prince Albert is where the farmland starts to end and any thing above starts to turn to lakes rock and best fishing ever.
        Black soil and brown soil zone in Sask.. Get a soil map from internet.

        Climate is usually wetter further north and east.

        Two main cities. Saskatoon and Regina. With Saskatoon being the larger.

        Oil jobs and farming and mining.

        Come for a visit you probably will stay.

        Winters can be awesome like the last two or total hell with snow from November to May one. One year the trees didn't have any leaves till June. Cold spring that year.

        I once went water skiing in Quappelle valley first week of may and it was one hot day back in early 80S.

        Yesterday we woke up white in Regina but today its all gone, just a cool start to the week with more rain or snow coming. April is a transition month you can get anything from a sun burn, wind burn or Frost bite.


          I think I'd head for South America instead.


            Originally posted by Braveheart View Post
            Best idea is to come and work for a successful farmer, then do what they do if you want to farm. This country has a habit of flushing out Europeans. In our area most, not all, but definitely most immigrants last barely 6 years.
            Really? do they just quit farming or do they pack up and go back to Europe?
            I'm noticing a difference in European immigrants here versus in AB. There most were intent on doing a better job than the Canadians, here it seems the plan doesn't generally extend beyond buying land in an area that is very cheap (by European standards). I know one Englishman told me he was surprised the first year he was here that the snow didn't thaw after a few days like it did "back home". If you haven't studied enough to know the snow is likely to stay in November in Manitoba how well prepared are you?


              Go back to Europe? One German just moved to SK. The German still trying to sell is going to the coast. German north of town is now an EMT. His brother was in court last year for animal neglect. Scottish ex grain farmer drives a school bus and teaches driving. I could go on but you get the point.

              You are right in that many come here (MB) thinking land is sooo cheap, let's buy lots. But the trouble really starts when they use methods from Europe that don't work well here. Very high fertility for example, and we don't have growth regulators. Some have imported strange and expensive tillage units that can't handle rocks. Marketing and understanding our grain pricing has been a challenge for many.

              The successful immigrants that have stuck to their knowledge base if in dairy, or feathers, or perhaps raise Luing cattle which will carve out a niche have done well. The ones that can do it better than we can just because they're from Europe or thought their money wouldn't run out are gone.


                South America??
                Well at least the gun to their head would be real, illegal, and warm.


                  Why not South America? No room here. Lots down there.


                    GWW, a good round trip from Regina would be west through Cypress Hills to Lethbridge, north up hwy 2 through Calgary to Edmonton . Then take Hwy 16 back through Sask into Manitoba into the Red River valley area then back to Regina . That will cover a large area , a lot of different soil zones and a good variety of towns and cities.


                      That trip will give lots of options of good places to stay and eat all along the way.
                      Neat places to see :
                      - Moose Jaw - tunnels
                      - Cypress Hils , Maple Creek area
                      - Medicine Hat , Lethbridge irrigation district
                      - Rocky Mountains / foothills Calgary area
                      - HWY 2 corridor Red Deer and Edmonton
                      - Lloydminster boarder city
                      - HWY 16 parkland area , North Sask river valley
                      - Saskatoon , basicallly the central area of western Canada
                      - Big Quill lakes area
                      - Yorkton farming area
                      - Quepel Valley
                      - Manitoba escarpment area
                      - Red River region : Brandon into Winnipeg.
                      - Estivan coal / oil fields
                      Regina plains
                      Other notables:
                      The Geat Sand Hills - north of Maple Creek
                      Prince Albert , northern Forest area
                      Moose Mountain area
                      Golf courses everywhere along that route
                      I am sure I missed many things but that is a basic trip I would take.
                      Most likely many other opinions but that will give a very complete round trip .


                        furrow.... sounds like he only wanted to spend two weeks in Sask....LOL. Your itinerary might take two months. Everything is so spread out in Western Canada. Long distances between sight seeing destinations. But you're right it will give him a good cross section of what's available.

                        Can you imagine relocating? My roots here run pretty deep on the same patch of dirt my Great GrandMother helped her son homestead. Once again emotions over-riding business sense.


                          You can make time easily on HWY 2 , 140 km/ hr
                          HWY 16 is double lane over half the way , can giver there.
                          But ya, lol , your right that could take a month or better if you loligag around .


                            Oh , also GWW , stay off secondary hiways in Sask unless you rent a Humvee...


                              here is another option. no winters and 2 crops a year.


                                Thanks for suggesting routes, it's very helpful. I'll have to stay for a month to get a proper look around lol


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