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Note to Conservatives: There is no future in Donald Trump Lite

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    Note to Chuck Chuck (Kyle) There is no future in Trudeau unless you are after a third world banana republic!


      The best strategy for the Conservatives and NDP might to be stay the course and let PM Selfie self destruct with scandals and conflict of interest cases.....it seems he can't help himself.

      One thing that is odd though, uppity Liberals and socialists like chuckchuck always like to make recommendations for Conservative voters even though they wouldn't ever vote for them.


        But Clucky, if 38% doesn't make us reduce our consumption enough, how is sending another 5% to the Government to piss against the wall going to save the world?

        If Canadians are in the to 10% per capita users is Justin not in the top 10% of Canadians? Not even counting "required" travel.

        Why do I send him my money to spend?
        He can't seem to stay in Canada for 2 weeks. But he can save the world if we suffer enough to sit home in the dark.

        I might support renewable power but I won't agree to send money to a Moron.


          Sorry! Gremlins got me.
          Posted when reading the 38% tax thread.


            cluck,cluck, lucky the voters and delegates get to decide and not you


              Who the "h" wants to give the lame-brained fools another 5% to piss away? For the fun of it!


                They are quite right in saying Canuckistan is not the US. Most income in Canuckistan originates with government and not earnings and Canadians are quite used to that. Any income that you receive that is a result of government policy of some sort rather than the market place is transferred income and we are quite comfortable with that here and that is why JT won the last election. The main funding source for these transfers has traditionally been oil related, however, now it is debt imposed on future generations. These transfers include things such as supply management related price premiums as well as paying below market interest rates on farm capital. Green energy feed in tariffs is another. If one thinks about it you realize they are very common here. So yes Canuckistan is quite different than the US.


                  Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction only makes up 8% of the Canadian gross Domestic Product according to Stats Canada. Agriculture and forestry is 1.7%.



                    Oleary is in....funny he is tackling the right opponent....justin Trudeau. ...

                    The funny part is if he wins ...all the other candidates will be kissing his ass for a job....they are all for the most part career politicians....and he already gets more press than the rest of them put together....

                    What's Alfred e. Newman doing? Finding more losers to back him?

                    The other candidates are running each other down and oleary is targeting the real problem...


                      The Globe & Mail 28 Sep 2012
                      Kevin O'Leary: He's not a billionaire, he just plays one on TV


                      This 9 page article does provide some in-sight on the man.

                      Almost any other Dragon would be a better choice than O'Leary, but unfortunately they are not running.


                        GDP does a very poor job of measuring wealth creation. The producing of food and raw materials is the basis of wealth creation. Turn ing raw materials into usable products is value added. Pretty much everything else is wealth distribution. A single dollar that is spent is added up many many times in the redistribution with no real wealth creation. Primary production and trade are the real wealth creators. Anybody who doesn't understand this is certainly a taker and not a producer.


                          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                          Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction only makes up 8% of the Canadian gross Domestic Product according to Stats Canada. Agriculture and forestry is 1.7%.


                          I've always disagreed with that measure. How many manufacturing, service, financial, entertainment, civil service etc. jobs would we have if there wasn't a primary industry creating jobs and wealth and exports?


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