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Why Politicians Are Like Diapers

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    Why Politicians Are Like Diapers

    Politicians are like diapers… they should be changed often… and for the same reasons. Most are full of shit. Those that are not yet, will be if they stay in power long enough. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The same politicians continue to get re-elected and are able to stay in office with almost no real competition to unseat them because they’ve carved up the voting districts by legislating redistricting changes into law. Redistricting determines which neighborhoods of voters can vote for their particular respective congressional seat. Like attracts like. Groups of like-minded people tend to congregate and live together. The politicians have learned this and have simply legislated themselves, through redistricting, into a lifelong representative of the community. Everyone is so divided and hates “the other side” because that is who they are told to hate. People hold their noses, vote and ignore the fact that it is blatantly obvious their politicians are corrupt liars, because that politician is from the political party that they happen to belong to. After all, they don’t want “the other side” to get that seat. It does not matter however, both parties are corrupt and bought and paid for by the same special interests. That’s why nothing ever changes. Politicians get elected, then they work for the people who steer the most campaign contributions their way. Nothing personal, its just business. If you’re too stupid to know what they are up to, then you deserve what you get. That’s how they feel, and it’s also how they act.
    Politicians spend 80% of their time fundraising once they get in office so they can gear up to win their re-election, and keep their power. The men like the *****, prestige and power that comes with office. These ugly people who no one paid too much attention to before, become addicted to being referred to as “Senator, Congressman or the Gentleman from… Gentlewoman from…” “Politics is show business for ugly people as they say. You know, those same suck-ups and phonies from high school who sometimes ran for student council, and who were always the people who said nice things to your face, and then ripped you apart behind your back? Lying and false loyalties to get what they want are what drives them. They are money *****s. Just like the worst kind of used car salesman who will tell you anything to get the deal done, they will do and say whatever they need to in order to get your vote, get elected and stay in office. They only do the bidding of those who can steer the greatest amount of campaign contributions their way. Then they shepherd through and sponsor legislation that gives unfair advantages & monopolies to morally corrupt corporations and financial interests. The politicians mostly don’t even read the bills they sign and vote on! It’s all written by the wealthy corporate and financial interests that have the money to get a seat at the table to have influence. Any Fortune 500 CEO or officer who legally and contractually obligated their company without reading the contract before they signed it, would be fired instantly and probably sued for negligence.
    Albert Einstein once said, “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” In my opinion, far too many people in the United States and from around the world place too much importance and value on what their leaders and media have to say. People are so busy eking out a living that they maybe only have a few minutes when they come home from work to catch the evening news. Life is so difficult and unpleasant for them, that they would rather just blindly trust that other people who they think are smarter than them are making all the right decisions and behaving honorably. When you give someone credibility when they have not earned it, you give your power away. When you trust another’s opinion because of their social status, title or experience over your own, you are putting yourself in a position where you can be manipulated and taken advantage of. Many people on government welfare and support, bullshit themselves and believe the politicians lie that they will take care of them. This simply enables their mediocre behavior and their continued settling and living a life that is less than they are capable of living. The politician gets a permanent voter, and the voter buys the politicians limiting belief that it is someone else’s fault that they are unsuccessful in life. This keeps them from avoiding responsibility for their own actions.
    Politicians need to set the power gavel down after two terms like our early founding fathers did. They knew power corrupted. Walking away was a challenge, but the hallmark of an honorable leader. The true measure of a leader is not how many followers they have, but how many leaders they create. Honorable people always do what is right. Our founding fathers believed our government should have a high rate of turnover in order to minimize corruption. That is why congressional representatives get elected every two years. Senators were originally nominated by the Governor of their respective States to represent the sovereign rights of the State. Once nominated, the state legislatures would have to vote on and approve the Governor’s candidate. However, that was changed in the late 1800′s by corrupt corporations and special interests who knew it would be easier to elect and therefore manipulate corruptible politicians, instead of good, honorable clerk-type of people who used to get nominated and became Senators. What we have today as Senators are shallow, corrupt, lying jackasses who get elected through the corrupt two party system that was also dishonestly legislated into existence. Our Founding Fathers never envisioned career politicians running our country. As a matter of fact, Samuel Adams, one of our Founding Fathers once said, “if ever a time should come when vain and aspiring men shall occupy the highest seats in government, our nation will stand in need of its EXPERIENCED PATRIOTS to prevent its ruin.” That’s where we are now. No one can save you but you. If your life is not where you want to be, you must participate in your own rescue. Find something you are passionate about, and pursue it relentlessly. Our leaders are NOT going to save us! Only WE can save ourselves!

    Does this sound Familiar for Canada?

    My answer .... yes.

    As much as Walls government is getting corrupt....still the best option for this carbon fight. ...no one else is mentioning farmers role and contribution ....which is quite large.

    Now just imagine if the railway network was still in place and been upgraded....instead of being allowed to consolidate by the same types of assholes that are forcing a carbon tax.
    Last edited by bucket; Dec 11, 2016, 02:13.


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