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I might be wrong but....

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    I might be wrong but....

    I remember back in the spring our warm and dry April and part of May culminated in the terrible fire in Fort McMurray. Now I am not in any way trying to belittle the tremendous personal and economic losses of Fort McMurray residents. But at the time many of those on the left blamed climate change for this tragedy or more accurately for the Eco zombies global warming. Now we in western Canada are experiencing one of the coldest Octobers that many can remember. I have talked to many local 70 and 80 something's. Many can remember early snowfalls but none can remember such an extended period of snow in October. The coverage of western farmers plight and the related cold weather has received very little media coverage. If it was +30 and dry the enviro's would be lighting their hair on fire but because cold weather doesn't fit their narrative very little noise. As I said I could be wrong, am I out to lunch here?

    I think you nailed it.

    The Marxist environmentalist types only focus on anything that can help their agenda and they make sure it's a country that is friendly.
    If a story doesn't help them out with their pro-carbon tax agenda there attention will be elsewhere.


      So how does this make them any different than everyone else ?


        oneoff has a saying about something like this theory.... oneoff? (if you know what I mean)


          Hamloc you are way wrong. It's not global warming anymore it's climate change. You see this stroke of genius by the new religion has this new phrase that can be applied to any situation. For example on a CBC call in about the new carbon tax I heard some lamebrain SOB call in to rant and rave about how Brad Wall does not speak for him and anyone could look out the window and see (snow ) climate change. I mean how can you argue with climate change it happens all the time always has always will. The blatant stupidity of this all leaves me speechless.


            The other thing you will notice, besides ignoring facts that don't support their cause is this:

            The poster children for global warming are cute, furry, pretty animals or objects, in places that are inaccessible to most people to ever verify the accusations. How many people are able to go and see first hand, then refute the claims about polar bears, penguins, coral reefs( OK a few more people can access reefs) How many people know anything about greenland or Antarctica to verify the claims.

            For some reason they never chose an unattractive animal or landscape that also occurs in most peoples backyards and is easily verifiable to the average citizen. Nothing about falling mosquito populations, endangered crow habitat....... But the cute furry white bears.....


              Not that cold here. We've maybe had 6 nights of light frost this fall, looking at the extended forecast out to 28th October our low one night will be 0C all the rest 2-6C overnight lows with some 10 and 11C daytime highs in there. Don't think that will even be below average for this area for late October.


                AlbertaFarmer I believe mosquitoes are brought up in relation to climate change.

                Their populations are far from suffering and as such, the diseases the spread are on the rise. Cue West Nile, Zika, etc.

                There's also quite a bit about frogs being effected as they're a whatever it's called that are one of the first species to exhibit distress during change.

                Another one was the Pine Beetle.

                There's definitely a list of animals close to home. They just don't make it into a WWF commercial.


                  Agreed. I have never heard much reference to Greenland, or reports from Iceland. In theory, Greenland is our canary in the coal mine. Unless the south pole will melt first. I never really put much thought into this issue.


                    Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                    Not that cold here. We've maybe had 6 nights of light frost this fall, looking at the extended forecast out to 28th October our low one night will be 0C all the rest 2-6C overnight lows with some 10 and 11C daytime highs in there. Don't think that will even be below average for this area for late October.
                    serious , what about daytime highs ???? this cold snap is unprecedented for this long , but as has been said , doesn't matter because the wackos call it climate change now ? we probably are heading into another ice age , but won't matter they will have made their money off of acid rain/global warming/ climate change/etc., all these dumb f$&ks with their head stuck in the sand and we are paying for it


                      Scientific evidence for global warming and climate change (call it what you want) are based on long term trends from data from around the world. The conclusions are not based on data from one season in one region of the world.

                      Normal seasonal or annual variations of the "weather" still include the possibilities of snow in October.

                      If you need graphic evidence of the rapid changes that are occurring especially in the arctic, consider for a moment that for the first time this summer in 2016, a cruise ship visited communities in the northwest passage in Canada's arctic.

                      If you believe in evidence based scientific decision making in agriculture then perhaps you need to accept the science and evidence behind climate change.

                      Or you can continue to believe in the junk science being put forth by climate change deniers.


                        Climate religion is all about panic, cc.

                        Or, it could be like this.

                        It has been determined that the number of galaxies has been underestimated by at least 10 times. The old estimate of 200 billion has now become 2 trillion galaxies, and will become larger with better telescopes that can peer farther back in time.

                        Talk about earth's climate change of 4 billion years ago when it was molten to its present day environment. That's a significant change.

                        It's all about what scientists wish to use as their climate base, and with time which I'll give them, but cc will not, you can bet they will change it again.


                          " The conclusions are not based on data from one season in one region of the world."

                          Well I am basing my conclusions on 64 years and only a few have been HOT/DRY, like 60 have been TOO F*CKING COLD! Plus TOO F*CKING WET!
                          Cold = death, NOTHING grows, therefore nothing will live,
                          Warm = plants/food/ civilization, us.
                          Ice age was great to be dead in?
                          Get real, IF IF IF this total BS is true.... Nothing could be better for ICEBOX Canada than WARMER!


                            Hamloc. Why the hell did you even start this thread? Yuo knew who was gonna post and what they were gonna say.
                            The green nazis have the luxury of power and time. No ones gonna live to prove them; god forbid; even half wrong.


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