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    I don't agree Cotton. I live by the motto, "You sleep with dogs, you get flees". Who needs it?


      Oh good god,we where a few miles a way from the biggest mental institution in the world,grandad would go out to milk cows to hall to the place and guys would be in the barn with a knife,was he scared?no he wasn't,neither was his daddy that walked into bullpens and kicked them in the snout,and i wasn't with the homeless guy who pulled a knife on me in hawaii.

      **** fear,you think cowboys vs muslim is going to work out with muslims?

      Show some self respect for the white man and what he has done and who you are,fear is not apart of the equation,on our side


        On a tour years ago New Yorker said onetime he missed subway stops and got off in Harlem.
        Other tour members asked if he was frightened and he said "no, others around me were frightened, thinking there was something wrong with me".


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