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    YES OR NO (Sort of like a CWB Question)
    I Say the man is Lying through his teeth. So then we will have a CWB Minister from the Block. YEA.

    I kinda think the coalition thing may not have as much effect as last time.

    Because Harper has been harrassing the Bloc for months to form coalition. the reason he wanted the bloc was to a play on getting into Quebec by using the bloc, but they weren't that stupid. Harper would be lieing just as much when he said he didn't want a coalition.

    The entire minority since day one needed some coalition or another to function and pass bills so I think Canadians want to see individuals we elect be able to work together at least get something done.

    They better start explaining why they won't tell the true cost of the fighter jets, and start to protray that our elected mps are not just bench warmers.


      Good scrutiny, Sask. Iggy will lie. Sneakier though. He said no FORMAL deal. He's already made an INFORMAL deal with the Bloc, I'll bet. Pars


        Yeah just like the HARPER gov has no back room deal to fund all those Quebec arenas after if they get elected. We'll need to save the emotional denial made last week and play it back but it would be too late, when the truth comes out about that bull too.


          Yes, Iggy is lieing


            Minority government would work if consevatives give Harper the boot. Harper is not a minority government type of leader.


              Minority governments could work if the losers would actually try and do what is best for their constituents and their country instead of just trying to dig dirt and get back to power.

              Name us one, just one thing that the Liberals have suggested to the sitting government that has truly helped this country in the last 5 years?

              If I elect someone to sit in Ottawa I expect them to do what is best for me, my province and the country. If they are in opposition I still expect the same.


                Harper talked publicly about how long the Liberal's war committment in Middle East would extend. He consulted Parliament. He spells things out.

                He talked about the arenas. In public.You know about the discussions and you are talking about them! Iggy would reveal his deals AFTER the election.

                harper said he would not form a coalition with the Bloc. He didn't.

                Iggy did. Iggy signed on the bottom line a short time after he lost the election. He'll do it again. He wants the office, not the service.

                Harper is a a decent guy. I don't agree with everything he does, but basically he won't sell Canada down the river to Libya.

                Iggy would sell Canada to Bangladeish or Yemen if they could round up some votes for him. That's how I view him.

                If you were to do a personal farm deal with Iggy or with Harper, there is no doubt in my mind who I would want to sign on the bottom line with. Ask yourself who you would want for a partner. Pars


                  Harper needs a majority to show what he will do FOR this country instead of always negotiating with a bunch of hacks.


                    When the US economy crisis hit Harper never had a clue what to do. They had to scrap their plan totally to keep things on track in Canada. We have to thank Paul Martin who had Canada in position to get through a bad stretch.


                      Paul Martin????? Please. Anything he did was on the backs of the Provinces and local Municpalities.
                      Parsley.......Hear Hear!!



                        If the conservatives were allowed to gut every single program like Paul Martin did with the majority under Chretien, the conservatives would not have had a deficit in the last two years.

                        Canada might have hurt for the short term but in the long term canada would have been closer to debt free.


                          "thank Paul Martin who had Canada in position to get through a bad stretch"

                          Canada was indeed in a position: bent over. So, here's Credit to Paul Martin: "Thank you Paul Martin for Adscam". Parsley


                            Chrietian said we would not go to Iraq and Martin told US banks we were staying our own. Looking back they saved Canada Billions.


                              Not that I'm ra ra Paul Martin, but his biggest problem was Chretien backstabbbing. Other than that he was no idiot and aside from other things should be credited with putting the country in good shape, he made Chretien look better than he was while finance minister. Not sure of his role if any in adscam! If he were Liberal leader I'd consider a vote for him today.
                              Although, he may have intended to do things for the west but it didn't happen either.


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