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    Most people are now staring into the headlites mumbling phrases like credit,debt,money,bailout,global economy-and these are the ones that are suppose to know!

    The greatest finacial phenominom has occurred and everyone is acting like elemer fud looking for dat pesky wabbit.

    Which brings me to- where was elmer when the lights went out?

    Where do you think the canola market is going to settle out in the next 4-8 months ?


      I should have better explained my rant,to tired to think straight last night.

      I've been stuck on a combine while the greatest market moves in the history of world are occuring and i'm getting my info from the radio.

      The losers at the cbc should be spit on for the pin head analysts they bring on.

      One goof ball,a guy from the auto uninion,suggested that the energy market in canada should be nationalized!!!!!!!

      Why stop there einstein,lets keep nationalizing.

      I'm glad those easterners are being hung by the short hairs,its our turn to prosper,they have no concept of what we went through over the past several decades.

      And rest of the half wits they bring on are dancing around and laughing that the commodity bull is dead,and they new it all along.

      And as it takes me all the restrant in the world not to punch the radio,i know that in a few days they wont be able to show their ugly faces in public without litle kids pointing and laughing at them and wispering in their mothers ears,mommy is that the retard,and mommy says, dont say that dont give retards a bad name.


      And then i get home and see gold has made its biggest one day move EVER!

      I didnt have to wait long.

      This bull wasnt over,this bull hasnt started,he doesnt even need to rest yet,he was just realigning his horns.

      Getting ready to gore the weak.

      Good by eastern manufacturing even dalton mcloser and geal detard cant save you.


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