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David Schnell Announces CWB District #8 Candidacy

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    David Schnell Announces CWB District #8 Candidacy

    District 8 got lucky.


    "Giving farmers more opportunities to add value to their grain is one of the main reasons David Schnell of Lampman has decided to run to be a Canadian Wheat Board director in this fall’s CWB election.

    “I think farmers deserve to have more opportunities to sell their grain. They should have the opportunity to sell it without going through the CWB, or they should have the opportunity to sell it to the CWB – they should have the right to choose what’s best for their farm,” says Schnell.

    David and Kathy Schnell started farming in the Lampman area in southeast Saskatchewan in 1965. They gradually expanded their farm to 8500 acres. After a farm accident in 2006 they downsized their farm to 1600 acres. They have three children, Bartley, Nannette and Melanie, all of whom reside in Regina.

    David was the chairman of Prairie Pasta Producers from 1998 to 2000. Prairie Pasta consisted of a group of farmers who attempted to build a pasta plant in Southeast Saskatchewan, as a way of creating value added opportunities for farmers.

    “This was the right thing to do for our local farms and the CWB made it impossible. I believe we should have the choice to add value to our grain,” says Schnell.

    David has been the Chairman of the Southeast Transportation Planning Committee since 1998, which represents 27 rural municipalities in the southeast area of the province. David served as the Reeve of the Rural Municipality of Browning from January 1988 to December 2007. He also served as the president of the Southeast Saskatchewan Rural Municipality Association from 1995-2000.

    In 2006 David was a recipient of the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal. David received a Saskatchewan Municipal Award in 2007 for community leadership in providing a primary weight corridor linking Highway 39 to Highway 9. David was chosen as Farmer of the Year by the Estevan Chamber of Commerce in 1995.

    Over the years David has been involved in many community organizations. Some of these include board member of the Lampman Community Health Centre, a volunteer ambulance driver, a member of the Lions Club and he currently remains a member of the Knights of Columbus.

    David is running in district 8 in this fall’s CWB election. This district includes Weyburn, Estevan, Moose Jaw, Rockglen, Assiniboia, Broadview, Kipling, Arcola, and all points in between. All producers who haul grain to the CWB will automatically receive a ballot for the election. All others who grow grain but don’t haul to the CWB are eligible to vote but must go to www.cwbelection.com and fill out an application to vote.

    For more information contact:

    David Schnell

    Phone: 306-577-2511, Cell: 306-487-2234, Email: d_kschnell@hotmail.com


    Do you suppose he's gained a teensy weensy bit of hand's on experience in dealing with agriculture, and farming, and farmers and communities? LOL

    No wonder he's so damndably likeable.


    With David in district 8
    and Rolf in #10, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Aug. 1st, 2009 should be a good day.


      If you want to call David on his CELL during harvest, USE THIS CELL# :


      Scrap the other cell#.



        johnsmith don't you think you should wait for the election before you announce the winner.



          You'll notice David Schnell has a lot of experience, and he's approachable.

          IF you sat down and had coffee with him and he asked you, "Stubblejumper, tell me the number one thing you would like to have me work on to improve the CWB?", what would you tell him?




            stubblejumper would probably say nothing should change. It always amazes me how cwb supporters are not still farming with horses. Western canadian farmers have made huge improvements in the way we farm but accept an insane way of marketing our grain. Cwb supporters are backwards. Its too bad that lawyer just keeps taking their money and laughs at them on the way to his bank before he heads to his nice cabin at the lake.

            I am not even so much in favour of supporting a choice candidate. I am looking for someone who will put about 500 people and himself out of a job.


              Bucket, I'm with you on the comment you made about these "choice candidates", I hope we as voters get the "choice" to vote for a candidate who stands for elimination of central planning, the end of controlling farmers, their property, and their income, the end of interference in the marketplace, and no Board, no how. With the voting system I suppose we could always put a tick beside a choice candidate, but my first "choice" would be for elimination and then auditing.



                You sound like the perfect candidate for Choice voters. Well said.



                  Parsley I would ask him if he would look after the intrests of all producers or just a few of his friends.


                    The question was what should he should do to improve the CWB? What needs mending at the Wheat Board?

                    I'd agree that the Board does not work in the interests of all producers. Certainly, Waburton producers got a premium the rest of us have no chance at getting.

                    Sopme pools get robbed. That's not fair to some producers.

                    Feed Mills get a sweet-deal.Not fair to farmers.

                    What should he do to solve it, though?
                    Fire people? Change legislation? Vote to dissolve the CWB?



                      Maybe farmers who favor an open market with a CWB
                      alternative have looked at the past 3 years CWB
                      surveys and noted the results. Maybe it is the single
                      desk candidates that are in fact looking after their
                      friends and not the interests of the majority of
                      farmers (as expressed in the surveys). Maybe none of
                      us know and that is why having candidates with a
                      variety of opinions/vision for the CWB future is
                      important. Farmers can and do express their



                        Maybe you ought to ask flaman that question. It seems he has taken care of his friends quite well.


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