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Wednesday With White

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    Wednesday With White

    Dear Ian White,

    There is no reason why the fees paid to the accreditied agents/accredited exporters for services as defined in their their handling agreemnets with the CWB, should not be made available and transparent on the CWB webpage, so that farmers, who untimately who pay for it all, can see and read what is decided in the CWB backrooms.

    Please instruct the CWB to post the generic handling agreement's 2008 terms, including financial.


    This is a little thing but drives me crazy. I always keep a bit of seed around till I see what the new crop brings in terms of frost etc. Since I,m in the seed business I probably have a bit more than most. Once I see what the new crop brings I would like to empty a few bins. Often I have 300-400 bushels of wheat tying up a 2000 bu bin.
    Right now I have some wheat I would like to get rid of. If it were flax I would haul it in. In fact if it were any other crop other than wheat the solution would be simple. Could the CWB not open some kind of early contract to help farmers manage thier bin space.
    Maybe I,m the only one with this problem



      No, you are not the only one that follows that practice. My dad always said keep enough for seed. But when the crop is made there should be no reason that the cwb can effectively shut down the grain sysytem for a month. Little wonder they have so much trouble evaluating stocks.

      Since they are changing the rules in regard to pricing old crop into new crop I would assume there will be better opportunities to haul in sooner. If you consider the cwb offers any opportunity, that is.

      Mr white.

      Could you explain to us dumb farmers what kind of cash flow a farmer can generate with a 25% call and a initial price at 35% of the world price? Correct me if I am wrong but 25percent times 35percent equals roughly 9percent of my money. So for every bushel of wheat you sell on my behalf you could buy nine more. Where is my money?


        Ian White,

        Has the Wheat Board set a minimum set of requirements for a person or a company to establish themselves as an accredited exporter?

        If so, what are they?

        If not, why not?

        Does the Wheat Board encourage ALL companies and persons, (even those who try to hide from public scrutiny or those who lack experience and skills, or those who have few mortgageable assets) to act on behalf of the Board?

        Or does the Wheat Board arbitrarily pick favourites? Could bucket, who contributes on Agriville, for example, become an accredited exporter? How? What is the process?

        Farmers are fully aware that any subprime exporters' misteps will ultimately be backed by farmers, yes farmers, Mr. White, either through money from the pooling accounts, or by bungled sales, bankruptcy, etc.

        The Wheat Board needs to be transparent in how the Board does business, ....transparent to the farmers who pay the bills.



          Thanks parsley

          Me, bucket, become an accreditted exporter. Even my wife doesn't compliment me like that.

          Trust me, my real name has been flagged at the cwb - they think I am a wing nut. But most socialist do.


            Only we know the truth, eh Bucket?


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