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CWB programs

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    CWB programs

    I find it interesting that a few days ago someone said on a post that the dpc was gone. Yesterday the announcement was made that it is.

    They are going to bring out new programs for the new crop year. If the board had any sense or forward thinking ability would it not make sense to release the details of the new programs prior to seeding so farmers could make plans based on what is coming.

    You can't change the seeding plans in july.

    So basically what I see is a select group of farmers getting the inside track on the new programs.

    Any comments vader????

    Farmer controlled.......doesn`t necessarily mean working FOR farmers!!!!!!


      Farmer controlled? Or controlled farmers.



        Obviously the less Wheat, Durum, and Barley that is planted... the easier job they will have to market it next crop year! The better the logistics system will be to ship this lower production level... the better the CWB looks! What genius we have working for us!

        These folks should all get a raise... and additional stress pay for you even daring to question what they are doing down at 423 mAIN!

        SHAME ON YOU!


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