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-15 here this morning

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    -15 here this morning

    it is minus 15 here and has snowed every day for two weeks . not farming anytime soon here

    Minus 9 down here this morning, no worries, weather is a changing this week. You'll feel a lot better about things by Friday.


      Same temp here Caseih..Still lots of snow to melt..Seeding is still a dream, a month away..


        I was in Saskatoon on the weekend, and spent time helping at a far at Clavet. Holy cow, what a different world is all I can say. Soil is dry at Clavet and in the city lots. Came home last night, and hit winter again a few miles west of our farm. My wife said it snowed off and on the whole time I was gone. We have not been above 0 for almost a week.

        A guy at Clavet asked me if I am ready to go out where I farm. I chuckled and had to tell him not even close.

        We are usually in our own world, but I doubt it has ever been this stark a contrast. If it warms up, we are still going to have a runoff. How nice it was working outside on dry ground. I have never experienced that before in April, where you can crawl on the ground, sit on the ground and not get soaked!

        Hard to believe that 2 hours of travel can make this much difference. Not like there is a mountain range between us.


          I heard that ots full blown winter at Madge Lake. Not so at Regina.


            Regina NEVER had winter this year! Saskatoon high and DRY this weekend, plus 5-10C WARMER all winter!
            So some weather genius should offer an opinion how this invisible WALL OF COLD stays east of Humboldt?
            Agree the temp diff is a lot more pronounce in a short distance this spring.


              FJ try living in Muenster right now... LOL.

              1 day it's 18, the next day it's -12. Hard on us, the horses, the roads, and the nerves


                Fj....no genius comments but just an observation.

                A while back(years) we still had a blanket of snow compared to west of us, even posted a pic of it on this website. It was cooler here than further west at that time too.

                Brown ground absorbs more heat that white. So we are gaining warmpth and you guys aren't. And you guys are right...we never really had a winter this year and the odds of me seeing another like this, I hope, are slim. Not normal. ...what ever that is.

                I'll never forget eons ago I was at Melfort area and stopped for gas...of course farmers talk....they asked where I was from....I told them SE of Regina....they said oh down there where you can't walk around in summer without getting your mouth and eyes full of dirt!!! Rude awakening for a young man....thank God for Zero-till!


                  It sure is a small world with the advent of technology. We all know the conditions in each others back yards.

                  It all depends on where you come from, what you're used to and what you will tolerate. I think we would all need to make some adjustments if we traded places. What works here may not be such good practice where you are.....you learn to do what works.... good luck this spring!


                    My old hometown of Rimbey, AB brought in a fire ban and water restrictions today. Rimbey is known to have one of the highest and most consistent precipitation levels in the province. This dry on April 11th? yikes !


                      Firebans in Rimbey to MASSIVE flooding at Quill Lakes...Klause, we never saw more than +6, think I could cope with +18...Zero till FIXES the DRY top, with wet clay, below grows fine rarely blows... not much fixes MUD at +6. Agree when tech/travel was unavailable we never knew how others had it, now unfortunately we know.
                      The term is "stuck weather", like no snow till mid Jan, warmer than normal. We could be stuck in cold for a while...A few times in dry spring the rains from the Idaho have stopped at #16 and kept missing us. One harvest it rained for a week west of us and stuck there while we combined away dry crop., Just once though...
                      Last edited by fjlip; Apr 11, 2016, 16:22.


                        You only have to drive about 20-30 miles here and you go from high runoff and flooded low areas to zero water anywhere.


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