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    wow e honey, bee pollen, lemon, horse radish, garlic and a little cayanne pepper. That'll clean out the cobbwebs.


      forgot ginger root. Darn. If you want to try something that will put ink in your pencil try a tablespoon of bee pollen. Its flower power mixed with bee saliva. You'll know it in about 5 minutes. Start with only 1 grain it can literaly be lethal for some.
      Last edited by biglentil; Apr 11, 2016, 17:08.


        I got on the financial bus along time ago and road it to the end of the road I can talk about it on any level the problem is their is nothing left to really discover just watch the accident happen sure hope I'm wrong.

        Been fiddling with health stuff along time and like I said early not far enough along to be an expert but don't know anyone that can actually keep up minus all the genius on the net.

        Couple more years I'll get there

        The vastness of it is baffling. We are literally in the stone age


          What's the gallbladder ?whats it's function how does it work?

          Simplest stupidest question ever.

          What percent of people know the answer,do you know the answer?

          Now imagine a majority of people in a civilization who don't know anything about their own bodies


            Some say we are still in the dark ages also known as iron age. Apocalypse in greek means the lifting of the veil or revelation. It is said the next age is the golden age, age of enlightenment or age of aquarius (great tune by the way). We've already passed the 26000 year procession of the equinox and crossed over the centre of the galactic plain as outlined by the mayan calandar. Nothing happened and not holding my breath that anything will happen anytime soon. Though the speed at which magnetic north is F'ing off towards Siberia is a little concerning.


              Here is funny story. You have all heard of ostioperosis. The drug to treat that turns off the cells that cannabilize the old bone so what happens is a new thing called sudden snap syndrome or something along that line so now there is a giant class action going on lol you can't even make this shit up and guess what high blood pressure meds you just shut off your cholestral. Your ****in brain needs it. I've heard stats as high as 100% for dementia over a ten year time frame


                Whats your position on vaccines Cotton?


                  Should be spread out and at an older age like the japs do.


                    Cotton, first off don't let them piss you off. I enjoy your posts, don't always agree with them , but I don't always agree with my wife either.

                    Anyway I can attest to the comment on cholesterol. I had a heart attack two years ago. Didn't have high cholesterol or high blood pressure. However, the new program is a year of cholesterol, blood pressure, blood thinners, and beta blocker meds as prevention. My cholesterol was so low l swear l couldn't tell you what day of the week it was half the time. I actually quit driving in the city until they lowered my meds.

                    I am taking the lowest levels of Lipitor prescribed and my total cholesterol is 2.1.


                      Everything I have read suggests Hemp seed oil is anti cholesterolemic, decreases blood pressure and provides the proper fats for the brain. Hemp foods are plant based protein. No protein in the oil, but it also works very well topically for most skin related issues.

                      I never gave much thought about personal health but there is a lot of documents about gut microbe populations and inflammatory reactions. There are endocannabinoid (cannibas, hemp) receptors in our digestive systems. Probiotics are helpful. High fructose sugar is a horrible thing but somehow I still eat too many cookies and go on/off with soda pop.


                        I have been reading Stephanie Seneffs glyphosate research and watching her YouTube stuff. It's just a little too scary /sensational to drink the kook aid. I try to follow the money and it comes from the anti gmo crowd.
                        It "sounds" accurate but I am not a microbiology scientist. How could this lady keep her job if she was spreading falsehoods on a regular basis?


                          Really anti gmo money now thats a good one must be Old fashion foods behind it all.


                            Common sense, habits and addictions. We all have varying amts of each.


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