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    Malle I think it was Ben Carson he has done some great things in pedatrics but I haven't been paying enough attention to really care same old same old and doesn't really matter who is in but the attacks on trump made me perk up a bit thinking something may be changing but I'm not putting money on it. The god among us dr ron Paul has pretty much shut that door. The vp is nominated by the choice candate I expect trump will do a killshot and lock it up its a pretty big deal. As nuts as it sounds I think he will pick Cruz and catch everyone off guard. It would totally **** up the gop


      Since Sara Palin has been speaking at several Trump rallies, I hope he picks her to be his VP running mate. That combination would be great for TV ratings.


        Kasich is my choice, but it appears americans want an outsider as prez.


          Bernie more of a Communist than our NDP? Don't think so. If you actually read the party policies and vision, Bernie is right in line with them. If NDP got in federally here, guarantee that tuition would be free and Bay Street would pay big-time...no different than Bernie.


            Trump predicting massive U.S. recession . . .

            And yes, U.S. unemployment is not anywhere close to the reported 5%.



              I may be wrong but I think you are all a bunch of retards thinking whoever is put on the cover has a say , its all those in the backroom pulling the strings.
              Here in alta we had Ralph as our poster boy but actualy Rod Love ran the show.


                Errol - yup , Trump is right not spreading fairy tails like the rest of them


                  That's why the establishment fear Trump, and the media wants to do their part to destroy him too. (although he does a pretty good job himself) Trump will upset the apple cart, and bring in New People to help guide him.
                  Their fear would be that Trump would bring fear to the markets(some may call it truth), causing widespread withdrawals, last time that happened in a big way was 1929.


                    Trump realizes the longer this central bank-induced bubble lasts, the bigger-the-bang . . . .


                      Trump has declared bankruptcy four times. Sure guy's he's the one to fix the central bank in the USA!

                      That's a real oxymoron.


                        Just like when Paul Martin was finance minister?
                        Setting tax laws for Canadians while his shipping company was flagged out of the Bahama's to avoid Canadian tax 😆😆


                          Big money will move before the gov can touch it or get it.


                            How many times did Paul Martin declare bankruptcy? How many surplus budgets were there when he was finance minister?

                            Sure let's compare him to Trump!


                              Maybe US should declare bankruptcy, I think it would be the right thing to do. Right because what are people who finance these charades at these low rates and even negative rates in some countries thinking. They are the ones who should take the haircut. Reality should set market rates not stooges put in place by politicians. If all this cheap money or hot money is so good why hold back lets get this party started, put say 1 million in every bank account it's just key strokes. Why not?


                                Trump appeals to the radical right.The last thing any country needs is a president elected by a bunch of radical people.Evolution is a few generations behind in some families.Trump will be as dangerous to the world as North Korea President.


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