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Populist Protectionist Rhetoric

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    Populist Protectionist Rhetoric

    Looking bad for western Canadian grain growers on United States political scene.
    As a trade dependent group in a trade dependent country, we can be concerned that Hillary Clinton will be the next president.
    From his talk, Trump would be worse but hard to believe he can become president.
    We can hope that Canada keeps its focus on free trade and open borders rather than getting caught up in the protectionist sentiment coming from the south.

    We have a situation right now where every country in the entire world, especially us in Canuskistan, is completely dependent on exporting to the US meeting with protectionist sentiment in the US. We also are protectionist so hard to criticize Americans for being so. Think dairy and chicken. Other than US exports, nothing is happening in the world economy. Exports are going nowhere else. Canada does import lots of stuff from China which makes sense since the Chinese work for free. Canadians don't yet.


      "the Donald" will be President of the U.S.A.

      Donald wants fair trade not free trade.

      US ag has more subsidies than Canadian, therefore we should be considered fair traders, no?


        Donald is going to be too busy building the wall on the Mexican border to worry about Canada.

        Hard to believe but I think he will win.

        Making America Great Again

        Powerful message and he keeps hammering away on it - who cares if he has no plan to actually do it.


          The man scares the shit out of me.
          I think he will be the biggest protectionist.
          Look at the instability/unrest/clashing at his appearances/rallies.
          I think the US will implode under his leadership.
          I don't think the world is ready for this loud mouthed show boater.
          Does he actually have a plan for anything constructive.
          I think there will be assassination attempts.
          Shades of 1934 to 1945.
          Last edited by farmaholic; Mar 16, 2016, 23:43.


            I think voters everywhere are hoping for a populist leader with no political baggage just as Trump describes himself.
            Unfortunately, he came packaged as a moron. Probably dangerous.
            Can't believe he can get elected once the dems start the serious attack ads.


              Canada has higher subsidies once dairy and chicken are factored in so no, we should not be considered free traders.


                So will PM Selfie continue to protect dairy and chicken (largely in ON and QE) to the detriment of western grains?


                  Is supply managed ag more about ensuring a guaranteed price to producers for production or a guaranteed supply for consumers at a price that ensures production?

                  Isn't food security worth protecting from the ebb and flow of uncertain supply?

                  To me it seems the only production they "protect" are the important ones few would do for the race to the bottom prices.


                    Trump is popular and winning primaries not because the people are listening to want he says,,,but rather, because Trump is listening to what the people are saying.

                    Americans are sick and tired of where American is today.

                    Nearly 50 million households are receiving food stamps.
                    102 million working aged Americans are jobless, 4 out of 10 adults are not working.
                    47.7 million Americans – or 14.8 percent of the population – were living in poverty last year according to the Census Bureau
                    Avg. household wages have not risen for the last 4 years.
                    Sure they're doing fine on Wall street, and they're doing fine in Hollywood and Silicon Valley and they were doing fine on the northern Plains with the Bakken boom, were, that is. They were also doing OK in the Midwest, but the tables have changed too.

                    But it's not just the economy and lying politicians, they're also sick of the media manipulating stories, two prime examples are Trayvon Martin where 3 media sources ABC, NBC and CNN altered the audio tape to make Zimmerman sound like a racist and Mike Brown where the lies about Mike Brown having his hands up and shot innocently in the street, not true and proven to be not true. Daily there are stories the media massages and manipulates.
                    The more the media gangs up on Trump and edits and distorts his statements the more they will support him. Just as the more the Republican establishment tries to knock him down the more the grassroots will support him.

                    The third beef Americans are having now is PC. They've had it up to here with this political correctness being shoved down their throats. I don't believe there is one state where the population has actually voted for gay marriage, even in California it was voted down by the people. It's only been pasted visa vi through judges in the courts.
                    But the real eye opener is the trans thing. People have had it with the media pushing this,,,even though your a man, if you feel like a female then you can use the female showers and washrooms, this is becoming law across University campuses. What parents want that for their daughters.
                    Cities declaring what size pop you can buy. People will now call the cops if your smoking a cigarette on the street but not if your taking a whiz or smoking a joint.

                    The fourth beef would be illegal aliens from Mexico and Latin America. Taking jobs, getting drivers licences then voting in American elections, committing crimes and not being deported, having anchor babies etc

                    I think Trump will win the Presidency and will have a very large tent that includes Dems and Repubs that are blue collar black and whites. Legal Latinos, Educated Asians, fly over country, north N.Y. state, inland Cali, and the south.


                      Right on boarder bloke! The media portrayed reagan as a scary war-monger also. ( turned out to be one of their better presidents ) Trump is a businessman, i don't think canada has too much to be worried about if he gets in.


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