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Canada's Stocks Of Principal Field Crops, December 31, 2015

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    Canada's Stocks Of Principal Field Crops, December 31, 2015

    As of December 31, 2015, total stocks of wheat and canola were down compared with the same period in 2014, reported Statistics Canada on Thursday morning. Conversely, total stocks of corn for grain, barley and soybeans increased from the same date a year earlier, while oat stocks were stable.

    Total stocks of principal field crops at Dec. 31
    2013 2014 2015 2014 to 2015
    '000 tonnes % change
    Total wheat 29063 25618 20682 -19.3
    Durum wheat 5264 4102 4225 3.0
    Wheat ex durum 23799 21516 16458 -23.5
    Barley 6772 5441 5666 4.1
    Canola 13033 12608 12119 -3.9
    Corn 11590 9715 11364 17.0
    Dry field peas 2335 2274 2212 -2.7
    Flaxseed 518 592 732 23.6
    Lentils 1968 1653 869 -47.4
    Oats 2833 2553 2550 -0.1
    Rye 133 129 135 4.7
    Soybeans 2683 3317 3351 1.0

    I would say their a lot lower.

    Enjoy your day.

    Yeah, Statscan hiding #'s on some special crops as usual, i.e terminated.
    Kept secret for special growers?


      So, December wheat stocks in Canada are down, the USD is down
      and MW is up a big one and a quarter cents. Oh boy.

      While not too encouraging it is worth saying that a close above
      5.00H today would signal some stability and may bring forward
      some short covering.

      Thursday at the close: So much for that!
      Last edited by farming101; Feb 4, 2016, 18:34.


        How about the mustard stocks?


          So your buyer walks away. Strategy?


            Hoarding. Interesting strategy.


              Best investment on the farm.. bins.


                you got that right , and grain baggers are a necessary evil also


                  Our neighbour used to say bins with aeration and a grain dryer easily takes the place of an extra combine. You can combine days earlier at 20% plus and let the drying power do the rest.


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