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Follow Others Off the Cliff?

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    Follow Others Off the Cliff?

    "Change or Follow Others Off the Cliff — The keynote speaker at last week’s Sow What Now conference was Ford Baldwin, former weed scientist at the University of Arkansas. Ford said complacency about weed control and weed management are the biggest hurdles for farmers to overcome. “We’ve all been complacent. Glyphosate changed agriculture as much as any single innovation throughout the years; the world’s greatest herbicide technology. We’ve just ran it in the ground, because we were too hard-headed to change and the complacency about losing the technology like glyphosate has just blown me away.” Baldwin says there are no new modes of action in the pipeline and there are no magic bullets. "You can either change by getting proactive and more diverse or you can follow us right off of the cliff.”

    Proactive Weed Management — Purdue University weed scientist Bryan Young says farmers need to be proactive in their weed management program to prevent weed resistance from becoming a problem. “Sometimes you get in the frame of mind that if you don’t have resistance you don’t need to manage resistance, but it’s actually something you can do before the problem starts." Getting farmers to heed that message has been tough, but Young urged farmers at the Sow What Now conference last week to just try one new thing in their weed management program. “It always comes down to an economic decision," says Young. "Let’s do something additional from what you did last year to improve the sustainability of your weed management program.”


      Monsanto already has it figured out. They are gonna make another trillion off us farmers with more technology and science. I truly believe these companies already know whats gonna happen 30-50 years a head and are planning there next new thing to combat our stupidity. We just have to keep paying the piper.


        They can't give/sell it all to you right a way. First they have sell you the problem so later they can sell you the solution.


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