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Ok the liberals are incharge so how's that going for you!

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    They just got on the learning curve.... steep one.
    They remind me of the "artsy-fartsy" type. Not always in the realm of reality.


      After listening to the ndp here in AB, Im just grateful they didnt win federally!!
      Pierre was not an economist and he did childish things too. The kid is still the lesser of two evils over mulcair.


        Cotton, although your friends have lost 75%, much like 08, but deeper, could this also be setting up for some serious coin to be made?...but... timing is tricky....


          I agree timing is everything. Old adage"being to early is the same as being wrong"

          I haven't got this one figured out,to many competing variables,inventory builds,war in the sandbox,money printing,global growth tanking. This is where tech analasis becomes very helpful and I don't see a buy yet.



            Mulcair promised:

            "Tom Mulcair has nailed down three more planks in the NDP election platform, unveiling promises of tax relief for small business and manufacturers.

            Joe Oliver should provide 'reality check' on nation's finances, NDP says
            Federal budget 2015: NDP makes demands
            More CBC News coverage of the federal budget
            The NDP leader announced Tuesday that a New Democrat government would cut the tax rate for small businesses to nine per cent from the current 11 per cent.

            It would also extend for an additional two years the accelerated capital cost allowance for machinery or equipment used in manufacturing, a tax break that is scheduled to expire this year.

            And it would create an innovation tax credit to encourage manufacturers to invest in machinery, equipment and property used in research and development.

            'Strategic investments and a concrete plan'

            "With strategic investments and a concrete plan, we can provide the squeezed middle class with a stronger economy and better shock absorbers to ensure they weather the storm in the coming months and years ahead," Mulcair told the Economic Club of Canada.

            The trio of measures are part of a bid to show that New Democrats have a plan to spur the sputtering economy that's in sharp contrast to the approach taken by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives in the face of plunging oil prices.

            But they're also likely to raise more questions about how Mulcair intends to pay for his promises at a time when the collapse of oil prices is sucking billions from the federal treasury and stunting economic growth.

            An NDP backgrounder offered some cost projections for the promises.

            Reducing the small business tax rate to 10 per cent immediately would cost $600 million a year, with the final drop to nine per cent coming when finances permit .The innovation tax credit would cost about $40 million a year, while extending the capital cost allowance would cost $1.2 billion over two years."

            Except for a deficit ND's might have caused... they had a more Conservative platform than the Liberals...


              It was a mistake by the PC party to have Harper run..Any one else as there leader they probably would have won..

              We need "Back to the Future"...someone go and make sure Pierre wears a condom...


                Lmfao Partners! Im pretty sure Harper threw this election. He didnt wanna clean up after himself and he could see what was coming. Now Trudope will really **** us.


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