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politics in saskatchewan

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    politics in saskatchewan

    Anyone here have experience running in a provincial election?

    What are the pros and cons ?

    Feeling this out to see if the sacrifice is too great to bother with.

    The good ship saskatchewan is tilting and needs someone to navigate these waters ahead.

    As simple, opinionated and outspoken with a lack of diplomacy as I am I wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell....



      can you say
      Yes Sir,
      may I wipe your ass sir?
      if so your qualified. No iq required.


        Can someone born in mb run for leader in SK? Perhaps once Greg Selinger gets the boot in mb in April we can send him to SK to run as NDP leader. Ha ha.


          You need a very very very thick skin to take all the shit that will be thrown at you!
          Then as a newby you'll sit in the back row and pound a desk when told.
          But if your some one they need your life is better!
          Any thing you said or did in print will be open for discussion and could be used against you!
          No pictures of you that could hurt your rep or the party's!
          Ok I can't run but try and if you make it great if not it will be interesting life lesson!


            Is your mother alive?


              Water off a ducks back for most insults I get. One of the reasons I enjoy posting here.

              Could also be a huge problem what I have posted here.

              After the election people will find out saskatchewan has the same problems as alberta.

              They have pulled some revenue to saskatchewan by closing the potash plant out east but that's smoke and mirrors and apolitical play.

              Vision ....this province needs a vision for the eventual turnaround.

              And I don't think agriculture should be ignored in the formula for success. Not many farms shut down production because prices are down ... probably the contrary they try harder.

              The province and country needs to start in filling the deficiencies of infrastracture.

              1. Two way rail traffic with open running rights. We could have truck drivers or locomotive engineers. I would prefer locomotive engineers.

              2. Some highways need relocating to accommodate elevator logistics.

              3. Competition bureau has to look into some branch lines that have poor logistics.

              4. Alberta and saskatchewan have to decide where to put a new lake between diefenbaker and calgary. Along with a hydro plant.

              Some issues I would like dealt with.

              Others include

              5. Wheat durum and barley never trade in winnipeg. Graincos wanted the system and never use it. I get the wheat not trading in canada but durum should and if it isn't ... is it an open market?

              6. A costing review is well overdue in rail transportation but we need to start looking at collusion and gouging in other industries as well.

              A start ... who would be the best party to be recruited to??????



                Liberals Federally don't stand a chance here, they are still TRYING to recover from Pierre's one finger salute and the NEP.

                Liberals Provincially don't exist

                No one seems to want the NDP both Federally or Provincially.

                If you want a chance at sitting somewhere you better run Sask Party Provincially or Con Party Federally.

                Just my two cents, rounded up or down, that would mean no sense(cents) and worthless.

                Good luck if you decide to throw your tinfoil hat in the ring. Belly Laughing!!


                  I called two local mlas offices in the last week expressing concerns about n opportunity to relocate a highway as they upgrade it.

                  It would allow the 10000 tonne concrete to expand or be forced to be sold to another company due to competition issues.

                  One office said it was the wrong constituency. But the constituency lines change in 4 weeks when the election is called. ... ****ing dense.

                  So I stopped at my local mlas office in moose jaw. Might as well talked to a brick.

                  At what point do people elected, hire intelligent staff that understand the constuency.

                  And when do mlas start taking on real issues instead of reading from beauracrats scripts?


                    I doubt I take a run this go round as I would like to see my kids graduate.

                    But I also see my kids entering a job market like 1982 when you couldn't buy a job in this province.

                    It may not be avoidable but there are ways to mitigate that damage.

                    And to be clear. .. building open air stadiums for a football team and 9 games a year isn't one of them.


                      Farmaholic and that's why we get all these
                      People that all they know what to do is say yes or no when the leader dictates.

                      If we want a better system and the liberals or ndp are duds, and the conservatives are a one pony oil show. We need another party to start with actual ideas of the people for the people.


                        Never run personally but know a few people who are in office now. (My friends/relatives are all conservative but I don't think it matters) They seem to enjoy it and I think they care want to do the right thing etc. It is a lot of work and you have to be aware that you are always "on the record" and you lose the ability to speak your mind, everything needs to be filtered. Some people adapt to this easily others not so much.

                        Another difficult thing if you get in you deal with a lot of very ridiculous complaints/ issues that have nothing to do with you or even your government. These people start to feel like the majority soon even though they are often the crazy cat lady. For example how often do any of you contact your MLA or MP about an issue. Probably never or almost never. You are normal and you have a busy life. It won't be people like you who are going to call you when you are in office.

                        Finally and worst of all and I think the absolute worst thing in Canadian politics, the leader signs your nomination papers. You have to fall lockstep in with your leader on 100% of every single thing he believes, or you will be kicked out. You will vote on party lines or you will be kicked out. If your issue is not important to the leader it simply won't be dealt with. No matter how good your intentions your job will be to sell the leaders idea/vision to your constituents with no exceptions. Now someone has to do it and maybe if you beat a drum often enough for many years you may get one of your issues through but I doubt it.


                          Selinger built an open air stadium at the u of mb campuss. Cost was to be 170 million. Now over 200 million and there isnt enough income generated to cover annual interest payments, so the debt keeps growing every year. This is how ndp governments run business. Oh yah, only used for 9 games a year, and sits in a snow bank all winter.


                            And you think the new stadium in regina will ever pay for itself?


                              Bucket, all of the issues you pointed to are federal or fed/prov. No point running provincially.

                              Besides the nominations for your local riding have likely taken place already.

                              Most who intend to run get active at the local riding association or further up the chain. In an established party with an incumbent you will find it to be an uphill battle to unseat the incumbent unless there is major discontent in the area and have been working for months if not years in advance.

                              You can't win a nomination meeting without support. So go get some friends and get organized for the next federal election.


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