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2015 Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Inductee: Grant Devine.

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    2015 Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Inductee: Grant Devine.

    Nice tribute to Grant Devine.
    Anyone know him?

    Good for him!


      well deserved , Grant Devine . you definetely had a vision for agriculture and a love for this province ! one of your best ideas , "fairshare Sask " never came to be at the end . made too much sense , I guess , for the voters . thank you for your service !


        I bet he was a great prof. Saskatchewan has lasting proof that this visionary led our legislature for 9 years. I remember the day he was signed into Office. That was the day I was called a red Tory by one of his supporters - no offence taken. I have been known to turn a bit red when in hot water -just like a lobster.


          When the Devine government took office, those who were leading the struggle against wheat board monopoly thought they would see progress.
          They soon found the wheat pool, with help from board and farmers Union, was so well entrenched that it would take another generation.
          Unfortunate for Grant and his government that international grain subsidy wars along with drought led to devastation of provincial economy.
          Think fate dealt him an unkind hand.


            Good for Grant!
            I still like the man. Way to go!


              Good to see a politician who supports agriculture get recognized.


                I think he had more Vision than our present prov. govt but the province was hit with some extremely tough economic times,that were still paying for today


                  even with the economic hardship we experienced then from the droughts , it was still far better than the blakeney/romanow lost years . we're definetely still payin for that mess .they kept the oil in the ground though , maybe won't ever need it now, lol. before Devine , no one even knew there was farmers in sask


                    What would the province have looked like without Grant Devine? All we need to remember is Belle Plains Fertilizer plant, Rafherty Power Dam, College of Agriculture building, heavy upgraders in Lloyd and Regina, local community nursing homes, privatized potash industry to make it more profitable, sold off unused road building equipment, brought in GRIP, put in under ground power, and list could go on like at one point in his term there were more oil rigs working in Saskatchewan than Alberta (contrary to the NDP's comment of the oil stopped at the border)! Now that was real leadership and vision. Grant Devine you had a vision for Saskatchewan which benefited the whole province - thank you for making Saskatchewan a stronger province!


                      Auto Steer, we were counting the major accomplishments the Devine Intervention left us with and you even thought of more. Wasn't the cow-calf program his too? If every politician had his hutzpah, Saskatchewan would probably look different today because he barely got off the ground in nine years. But surely he planted some seed in the young minds he got to mold since then at the Ag College.


                        What would the province have looked like without Grant Devine? All we need to remember is Belle Plains Fertilizer plant, Rafherty Power Dam, College of Agriculture building, heavy upgraders in Lloyd and Regina, local community nursing homes, privatized potash industry to make it more profitable, sold off unused road building equipment, brought in GRIP, put in under ground power, and list could go on like at one point in his term there were more oil rigs working in Saskatchewan than Alberta (contrary to the NDP's comment of the oil stopped at the border)! Now that was real leadership and vision. Grant Devine you had a vision for Saskatchewan which benefited the whole province - thank you for making Saskatchewan a stronger province!


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