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Merry Ukrainian Christmas Eve...

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    Merry Ukrainian Christmas Eve...

    Enjoy the SVIATA VECHERA tonight.

    Merry Christmas to all celebrating Ukrainian Christmas...

    We eat Ukrainian several times during the year, like most times. borscht, buckwheat cabbage rolls, perogies, including sour kraut perogies, We made borscht yesterday. Best borscht ever with our own organic garden produce, every bit except the butter and sour cream, but 12 grain cereal instead of wheat. Herrings ready to head er down the hatch and straight Vodka chilling, don't forget the Ukrainian sausage from Ukrainian Coop.

    I'd like to hear what your traditional favorites are.


      Sorry, I'm not of Ukrainian ancestry. Our family spent many decades "there"(north of the Black Sea) as German settlers in the area before coming to Canada.

      Just passing on the season's greetings.


        My condolences-just kidding. I heard on ancestry.com some guy who thought he was German all his life had his DNA checked and found out he actually was Scottish. Not saying that you are Scottish.


          My money management skills might suggest some Scottish DNA. .....I would like to continue allocating my characteristics to various other ethnic groups but better quit while I'm ahead.

          Pretty sure most of my DNA is German. ...no other group wanted to marry them...lol. Even the North American Natives had standards....how many German Metis do you know? Just kidding. ...time to quit, the hole is getting kind of deep.


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