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Road Kill

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    Road Kill

    Looks like Duffy is returning the favour and throwing Stevie under the Bus. We will see if Stevie has to testify.

    I'm willing to bet that Mr. Wright is sorry he ever bailed his friend out of his predicament.

    Never has so much fuss been made out of $90K. Nationwide press for over a year.

    On a related note, has Liberal Mac Harb's charges been dropped completely yet for his $231,000 fraud case for his overcharging Senate expenses?


      Not about helping Duffy, it was about saving the Con brand and lying about it.


        On the other hand, it might be about trying to ruin the Conservative brand. The only difference is that Mac Harb wasn't a spendthrift like Duffy and had his own money to pay back his expense overclaim....oh and he's a Liberal.


          Watch CTV news this Wednesday. Lisa Laflamme interviews our Prime Minister one on one and questions his math with respect to the budget deficit. Will be interesting. Saw a clip last night.


            NDP satellite office theft of $2 million no longer a story?
            Minor detail compared to putting up Syrian refugees in hotels for $80 million I suppose.


              Harper spent 750 million of public money advertising the conservative party.And was still booted out.


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