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Harper govenment funds International Republican Institute

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    Harper govenment funds International Republican Institute

    A CIDA grant of 8 million dollars of taxpayers money going to the International Republican Institute The IRI is chaired by senator John McCain and includes prominent Republican operatives.
    Is this a priority in our country?


    Is 2.6 billion dollars allocated to OTHER countries to combat climate change a priority for our country? 2.6 billion!!!

    Maybe if climate change continued the 1777 homeless people (by a census last week) in Winnipeg wouldn't have such a cold night tonight. What a difference even a fraction of 2.6 billion dollars would do for them.


      What bug crawled up his ass? Slow day at the union hall?


        What is the 2.6 billion about? Where does this come from or did you just make this up?
        How does your comments relate to the 8 million of taxpayers money Harper cons sent to fund the International Republican Institute.


          Trudeaus big announcement today. Wish I'd made it up, but no.


            Random donation of taxpayer money by Liberals today to the climate change fund for $2.65 billion.



              So integrity, you don't think spending 8 million to help strengthen democracy in places like the ukraine is worth it? I thought that was what canada was about. Or is the only thing that bothers you is that there were only republicans and conservatives on the board of the organization? Get a life and start paying more taxes so we can pay for justins 2.6 billion donation ( and that's what it is )


                From the Toronto Star It seems the Harper cons had their hand in our pocket on this to. How can you criticize Trudeau for something Harper started funding
                From the Toronto Star "The contribution announced Friday was in addition to the $1.5 billion the previous Conservative government contributed to the United Nations fund. That means Canada has now exceeded the $4 billion target that environmental groups have been urging it to meet as its “fair share,” based on the country’s national wealth"


                  A large part of the 2.6 billion is going to developing nations to help offset the results of climate change. Whether you believe human accelerated climate change is real or not is irrelevant. What is obvious is severe weather is causing huge losses. Just any insurance company.

                  Loss of water supplies because of rapidly declining glaciers and drought is real and happening now in Western North America.

                  Rising sea levels will inundate many coastal regions. Miami and New Orleans are prime examples of how much money it will take to protect near sea level cities.

                  We also need to spend more money on the homeless and first nations in this country. But we can help much poorer nations as well.


                    It's really not about the money, is it integrity? You've got such a built in hatred for the conservatives that you can't see the forest for the trees. You'll always justify spending billions and higher taxes, AS LONG AS the conservatives didn't do it. Anyways life goes on, off to phoenix for some r&r!


                      Chuck chuck. Maybe do some research and see how much glaciers actually supply rivers. Insignificant. Also it wasn't a few hundred years ago there were no glaciers and then 20000 years ago we had a few miles high of ice all over Alberta? Which is it? Our human records are like a 100 years old and we know what climate change is?


                        Man made climate change not likely, pollution yes
                        Big difference.

                        Bizarre to send money elsewhere look after ourselves first.


                          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponsorship_scandal as long as we are on the topic of public money, anyone remember this? Is this how we want our taxes spent?


                            chuckchuck, the Antarctica has reached and is exceeding max ice levels ever recorded.



                              Just saw Kathleen Wynne speaking about climate change. She might be more of a dingbat than Trudeau. This country is soooo screwed!


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