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Republic of Western Canada

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    Republic of Western Canada

    Just heard this concept is raising its head after last night's election.

    hopefully he is smart enough to know he can't give the west the finger like dad , east has a lot more to lose than the west in my opinion . they should start to worry about that very concept if things get out of hand again


      We once had a candidate seeking nomination for provincial conservatives that ran on the platform of separating our constituency from the Province of Manitoba. He came really close to winning.

      The talk of separation is strong here today. Justin better not tell us to "fuddle duddle" like Dad did.


        Just pouting hard core conservative....


          Ummmm it would have to be the republic of Sask because remember the bright lights in Calgary and Edmonton like the NDP and they aint about to leave the show.


            well I'll tell you what perfecho , maybe you weren't around when dad told the west to f$$k off and implemented the NEP and pretty well killed western Canada .i watched half of the canadian oilpatch head for the U.S. I could care less about Harper , just hopin kid is smarter than dad . and make no mistake , the west is not a bunch of lost sheep anymore . if and when it happens it will be swift and sure , not like the shit quebec pulls every few years . I hope the young guy is good , nothing like new blood and I think we are fortunate to have Ralph goodale here , sure can't hurt


              Actually I was Case...but I also looked at more information from that time. The NEP was part of it, however a world wide oil glut, similar to now, also took place. Interest rates at 21% had a major effect...but no, lets put all the blame on Trudeau.......much like the ND's will get blamed for this downturn.
              I wasn't happy with him myself, but doesn't deserve the all the blame!


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