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Conservatives going forward

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    Conservatives going forward

    Will be pretty tough for guys like anderson and ritz to criticize the liberals considering their incompetence.

    1. No reporting
    2. No fines on the railways.
    3. Poor support programs.

    Wonder what corporate board room they end up in now.

    Yep, we were big losers, but The West voted for them anyway-go figure!


      Maybe we like being losers.


        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!


          One thing is also clear...
          You guys are about as classy as a flat tire with a slash in it. Give it a rest please.


            For me elections are like the weather, I have no influence. Of course I have my own vote and cast it, but beyond that there's nothing else. So, I don't get bent out of shape.

            I will give Justin a chance. Hopefully, he'll bring in new people with fresh energy and ideas and leave the old guard behind.

            The Conservatives going forward need to refresh as well. Some are touting Lisa Raitt as the next leader. But, the way she handled the transportation file, especially the grain backlog, leaves me doubting her leadership abilities.


              Bucket- why don't you join a transportation group or a farm group so you can pass on your wonderful ideas.

              You have blamed Ritz for four years and now that he is in opposition you still criticize him.....why not be proactive?


                Because an ag minister can, with a snap of the fingers, magically move overproduction of grain, in a landlocked region, on more or less a single rail line to port.

                Look forward to watching Justin and his PEI weenie, and his MP for life from Saskatchewan, snap their fingers to save western Canadian farmers from the next grain backlog.

                Oops! I forgot. They have no rural representation. Oops, I forgot again, they do! From Nunavut, NWT, and the Yukon. The Inuit will save us!

                I asked many times what Ritz was supposed to do to make our crop smaller. No answers.


                  The ag minister can't do shit but a government can plan for the future.

                  What happened in 1997 should not have happened in 2013 if anyone was thinking.

                  Part of the reason to have trend line yield to help get the infrastructure required. It's about planning to move a 25 mmt canola crop in the future or a 65 mmt crop year in year out.

                  If no one is looking at the obstacles to get there why do farmers increase production.


                    Obviously the reformers will have to nominate someone with nice hair. Because according to Steve that's all that Justin had going for him but he s the pm of canada with a huge majority so I guess hair gets votes.


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