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    Down 25 % overnight......when will the bleeding stop?.

    I would say their in trouble and not a good buy!


      They are currently trying to sell viterra thru investment banks.


        The chart I looked at has them trending down since 2011. I guess we might be in for another round of consolidation or name changes in grain handling/buying in Western Canada.


          And then their were three~
          Ah competition.
          Were Screwed as farmers.


            Viterra's assets built using farmers money are still well positioned.

            I just wish some of them would change hands to be used properly.


              Who will bankroll viterra when glencore goes under. Another government subsidized open market company is in the making?


                That was outright theft.... upon share conversion, we took our money and ran early but should have waited a bit before cashing out.


                  Swp had a good vision but unfortunate timing.

                  Although the sale of viterra to glencore was idiotic.

                  Viterra would be a very well diversified company today had that sale not happened.

                  Thinking AGT should be in the hunt for some assets and other smaller well funded players could set up nice local operations.


                    What about the port facilities?


                      But at least mayo Schmidt got paid wasn t it?


                        Well, Ritz has given the old CWB and its assets to the largest middle east customer we had (the Saudis), I suspect China is working hard on getting our government to grease the wheels so they can pick up all the Viterra assets thereby having them direct conduit for Canadian grain to China without having to deal in the market for grains. Think of the land rush then as Chinese farmers flock over here to supply their motherland with cheap grain.


                          (I wonder if this was the discussion in the PMO office over the weekend) Can you say TPP! Cons cannot afford to lose the dairy vote so supply management is off the table. But those western grain farmer vote is assured no matter what we do so lets ensure China gets all the Viterra assets in exchange for their support of TPP. And why should we care if China only uses those assets to supply it own needs at below market prices. Isn't that what an open market is all about - customer access!


                            Although the old _ _ _ had to go. I have to wonder if things couldve looked different. Regarding foreign ownership and consolidation.


                              The cwb didn't need new owners. It needed new management.


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