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Cinderella Crop

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    Cinderella Crop

    Cinderella's sister soybeans are starting harvest. Canola soon to be a secondary crop.

    Yea soy will yield good this year! Few more things to tweek up for next season! I'm seeding after peas! They sit for a week or two before they come out! Around the 10th not the 21st of May!
    Also only did one field with one inoculated! Big nodules like other with! It was soy three years ago!


      My neighbors look pretty decent. At least the leaves never froze off them this fall and the top pods will finish. They seem to be maturing naturally not frost desiccated. We've had a couple of "light" frosts this fall but they didn't seem to harm the soybeans. I have no idea what they'll yeild.

      The late rains here probably helped the beans the most.


        Wouldn't you do more harm than good if you soil is cold on May the 10th???????


          SF3- You try to aim for a soil temperature of 10C when seeding?
          I grew Cinderellas sister this year only on a small plot though......will find out in October how they yield.

          Anyone try off-patent RR1 seed?
          The seed price seems appealing but is there more negatives that out weigh price?


            Yes I am aware of the 10 c. But the last four years we have put our soy off at seeding to get it in after the canola and wheat are in the ground. I'm just saying maybe if the ground is warm and black is back works excellent for beans. then maybe seed them 10 days earlier. One seed grower in our area has had them in before me about a good 10 days to two weeks. last year his made it and mine froze in fall. He did have some thinning in spring but the plants made up for it in the end. This year he has a crop that south of Winnipeg would be happy to have.
            They are real close for our area of east Sask and all the way to Swan Manitoba.
            Now this years excellent crops for soy don't mean seed the whole farm to the crop.


              Canola no longer cinderalla in s.MB. beans gross about the same as canola per acre and input costs are about a third. Funny, i dont here those canola seed adds warning you to book now, supplies are limitted, blah, blah, blah played here very often. I guess farmers in this region call their bluff, and tell the seedcos if you dont have canola seed, no problem, ill grow more soybeans.


                Sf3 if the soil is under 10 or you get a frost during the germ process they will die and never come out. Very finicky. Black soil really helps.

                We will do beans on beans here next year. 6 varieties again.

                Culling the bottom variety adding a new one to our trials.

                And yes tweety they are replicated trials with a weigh wagon. Yield will be calculated off of 1 pass up and down each plot then total yield off of plot.


                  We seeded ours on worked pea stubble - did an inoculent trial . Huge diff from 4 lbs to 8 lbs / ac. Will see with the combine and weigh wagon . They definitely need fertility, and black soil in this area to have a chance at all


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