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Get ready to tear this one apart boys...

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    wd9, The farmer isnt the evil one. at
    all. he is producing a crop that
    supports his farm and the consumer wants
    (uninformed consumer imo). I like this
    line from the President of the american
    corn growers association:

    You have to understand that we
    farmers... we're gonna deliver to the
    marketplace what the marketplace
    demands. If you wanna buy $2 milk,
    you're going to get a factoryfarm in
    your backyard. It's that simple. People
    have got to start *demanding* good,
    wholesome food of us, and we'll deliver;
    I promise you. We're very ingenious
    people, we will deliver.


      That is awesome you grow what you want
      how you want. So neither you nor i is
      controlled in any way what we grow.

      I just wish the organic industry would
      stop bashing conventional ag without
      proof, making up studies, and assuming
      their product is better. Neither is
      better. Both have good and bad points
      and in the end is the same.

      At not quite 4% of the market, can the
      organic industry afford to be looked
      upon as selling the product at all cost
      to reputation and truth?


        I am not sure what you're asking
        exactly, stupid farmer here.

        But if your asking can organic ag
        survive without these so called 'bogus
        studies'? Absolutely, that 4% are the
        people that dont bitch about how much a
        loaf bread costs. They would rather buy
        a loaf of organic bread that costs twice
        as much and not be able to afford a 55"
        tv or new duramax. They wont change
        their minds, like i wont change mine,
        and you wont change yours.


          The organic industry is not exactly
          thriving on the prairies. Acres are way
          down from a few years ago.


            I'm asking if the organic marketing
            voices like Kaiser with so many lies and
            bad studies trying to sell conventional
            ag as dangerous and unhealthy, yet are
            safe, will greatly hurt the organic
            industry because no one trusts an
            industry with a chronic deceit issue. It
            may just be bad for everyone.

            Pourfarmer, is this a good path for the
            organic industry to keep heading down?


              I could ask the same of the conventional
              guys that go around spouting "the world
              would starve without conventional ag".
              While I may not agree with the way
              rkasier expresses himself I do feel he
              has merit and is citing legit material.
              My grandpa used to say 'it takes all
              kinds', not everyone could share your
              idealistic views of a world that is in
              the safe hands of bio tech companys out
              to save the world form starvation..

              On to the other comment...
              I believe 'certified organic' acres are
              down due to the recent changes to
              organic regulation in Canada, increases
              in paper work, significant changes to
              seed cleaning regulation, etc. I believe
              there are as many, if not more,
              'organic' acres out there today however
              they have dropped there certification
              and are selling to the 'naturally
              produced' marketplace as opposed to the
              'certified organic' market place. I've
              looked into it myself.


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