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Doug Christie QC leader of WCC passes

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    Doug Christie QC leader of WCC passes

    Hi folks,

    Many knew Douglas Christie QC as a caring and loving man who tried to bring change politial in Western Canada. Many in the farm community connected with Doug... his caring heart was about freedom of speach. Douglas past away this afternoon in Vitoria B.C. from cancer. His loving family was with him.

    Thought you would like to know.

    I heard him interviewed on CBC in the last few
    weeks. Good interview but he didn't sound well.


      Condolences to the Christie family along with
      thanks for the life of Doug Christie. Parsley


        I heard the CBC interview too. It is sad to think, as Doug said, there seems to be no one willing to carry the torch anymore. The legal system, and by extension all of us, are poorer for it.


          Anyone with money already knows that oil in western canada is trading at a 30buck plus per barrel discount to the world price.

          No sense in investing. Its short term thinking because when things turn (maybe the announcement of keystone or the pipeline to the west coast) they will pay more to develop because of a mini boom created.

          Never understood why people insist on creating boom and bust cycles. Why not continue to develop at a moderate rate instead of chasing the dream?


            Doug Christie got a lot of flak for defending Nazis and Holocaust deniers but I suppose someone had to act as their counsel.

            I certainly didn't agree with his political philosophies and his movement didn't go very far fortunately.



              "Never understood why people insist on creating boom and bust cycles. Why not continue to develop at a moderate rate instead of chasing the dream?"

              When central banks create a boom through the use of ultra-low interest rates, few people ever consider that this will result in a bust as sure as night follows day. Most people are not interested in developing at a moderate rate because this would entail long term thinking, hard work and the discipline to do without short term luxuries. Instead, most people want everything, and they want it right now. Booms give people the illusion that they can have their cake and eat it too.


                I sort of understand low interest rates to create a recovery of the economy, but to get people buying land or houses for three times the actual value that becomes a problem.

                If interest rates go up, alot of people working won't be able to put gas in their cars to get to work.

                And yet these are educated people.

                But I am educated and a couple bad seasons will do me in as well.


                  Will it all just crash already! I've got
                  cash to deploy, need blood on the


                    Doug Christie: One of a kind. Rest in peace my friend.


                      I agree with coleville



                        I thought you were going to pursue that "special" deal over my way.

                        I can find a home for that cash!

                        Maybe if I say the price is now 1500 an acre you will be more interested?

                        Seems to be the way they get more investors interested.


                          Short the bugger and watch her skyrocket. LOL


                            Bucket I did not take it too seriously. I am content
                            with my operation but occasionally entertain
                            thoughts of relocating.
                            I would like to narrow down where the farm is
                            mostly out of curiosity.
                            You can email me at hobbyfrmr@yahoo.com for a
                            bigger bullship session.


                              not surprised with investment waning in the oil sector, we new 3 years ago if we couldn't export this oil especially from the bakken we would have a bottle neck, guess what....we got it. We need pipelines and refining capacity or western canada and north dakota will suffer.


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