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Imigration! Why Not let Americans Do It!

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    Imigration! Why Not let Americans Do It!

    Funny the USA has lots of people out of work, So most would probably love to come work in Canada.
    Why don't we make it easy for them to become Canadian citizens and fill the employment void.
    They would adapt to our way of life easy.
    Any Ideas just throwing it out their.

    Won t happen makes to much sense.


      They are patriotic, would be had to change their "stripes".
      Canada viewed as lower class?
      Frozen cold north.
      Funny money.


        I asked my American cousin what she thought
        about the American financial situation and if she
        was making changes.

        This is what she said /

        Boy I don't know. I bet it can't be too good though
        right? I am working in getting my dual citizenship
        back. And then making sure I can get it for my
        girls--I think I can. My backup plan in case this
        falls apart is to go back north as a retiree. I'm
        really lucky to have the option.


          How much welfare you wanna pay SF3?


            You know SF3 I have benn wondering the same
            thing. You would think they would be pouring in
            here, maybe too cold for them. We have to be
            very careful who we let in. We dont need a
            bunch sitting on welfare and bringing in their
            parents for pension.


              Gun and tax laws in this country scare many away. Ok to visit, but they don't want to stay.

              US used to be a place where anything was possible and a person could do anything, but they are getting as socialist as we are and it started long before Obama.


                Soon the unemployment rate in the US is
                lower than Canada's so no reason to come.
                They have oil and don't need ours. We
                have crappy weather as well.


                  Weather is a big deal. 8 months of winter this
                  year reminds us of our place on the planet.
                  Money cant buy love but it sure can buy weather.


                    It should end a lot of potential strikes
                    if companies knew they could fill
                    positions with qualified people quickly.

                    Canadians that go on strike in this
                    economic environment should be replaced.


                      I'd like to hear from older readers of this thread who recall what Canada/U.S. immigration policy was like prior to the 1970's. It seems to me that it was relatively simple to just pack up and move across the border if you wanted to.

                      I suspect that the increasingly generous welfare state is what padlocked the border, as politicians were scared that people would flock to whatever locality had the biggest welfare payments. I've got a simple solution to that problem. Then we could just open the borders and let people move to wherever they wanted.


                        Was reading an article a few weeks ago that said Americans are not willing to relocate within their own country yet. So the social system is still keeping them at home. The article stated that 10% of North Carolina could move to North Dakota tomorrow and they would have a job if they actually needed to feed themselves and their family.


                          If you have been in the Wiliston area
                          lately it looks like alot of Americans
                          have relocated there. Temporary housing
                          everywhere you look. Used to be alot of US
                          farmers owning land and farming in south
                          Sask.Not so much any more.


                            Daylate brings up an interesting point. One of the consequences of the modern welfare state is that unemployment benefits have the effect of keeping people resident in areas with very high unemployment as opposed to giving them an incentive to move to areas with a labour shortage. As long as these backwards incentives continue, economic recovery will remain a distant dream.


                              Everyone should wanna leave home, ta turn
                              a buck. Home is boring, snoring etc. It
                              isn't where the heart is, cousin wes
                              should all be greed driven, fer instance
                              why not go to the philipinnes and look
                              after old folks there, ya could turn big
                              bucks I bet, eh????? Heil Harper, F Ritz


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