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EU trade deal with Canada...

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    EU trade deal with Canada...

    PUBLICATION: The Sunday Herald
    DATE: 2013.02.17
    SECTION: Nova Scotian
    PAGE: D2
    BYLINE: Thomas Walkom
    Obama's speech changes Canada-EU bargaining

    For Canada, the most important element of Barack

    Obama's Tuesday night state of the union address was
    buried deep inside the U.S. president's hour-long

    It was just one line and few in the audience paid it
    much heed. But Obama's announcement that
    Washington is starting free trade talks with the
    European Union has put new pressure on Prime
    Minister Stephen Harper.

    Harper, it will be remembered, has been negotiating
    with the Europeans since 2009 for a Canada-EU free
    trade pact.

    The prime minister is an ardent free-trader and the EU
    deal was supposed to be the crowning jewel in an
    array of trade treaties with countries ranging from
    Japan to Vietnam to Colombia.

    But negotiations with the EU have gone on long past
    the original 2011 deadline. Press leaks from the secret
    talks indicate that the two sides are hung up on
    agriculture in particular.

    Ottawa wants full access to the 27-member EU for
    Canadian agricultural products like pork. The EU, in
    return, wants Canada to eliminate or weaken its supply
    management system, which protects domestic milk,
    cheese and chicken farmers.

    Some provinces are also alarmed at the prospect of
    Canada signing on to European drug patent rules that
    would discriminate against cheaper generic
    pharmaceuticals. A leaked federal report estimates the
    deal would cost Canadians - and particularly provincial
    drug plans - up to $2 billion a year more.

    As well, according to the Council of Canadians, 46
    municipalities (including Toronto) have come out
    against a proposed element of the deal that would
    prevent them from favouring local suppliers.

    The negotiations have been tricky. A two-day session
    between Trade Minister Ed Fast and his European
    counterpart earlier this month in Ottawa failed to
    resolve the issues.

    Now that the Americans are in the game, things
    promise to get even trickier.

    The reason?

    Europe doesn't care much about Canada. This
    country's market is puny compared to that of the U.S.
    Europe's real interest in negotiating a trade deal with
    Ottawa was to demonstrate to the Americans that a
    trans-Atlantic free trade pact was possible.

    Now that the EU has successfully wooed Obama,
    Canada is of less interest. In addition, EU negotiators
    will be even more reluctant to make concessions to
    Canada for fear of weakening their bargaining hand
    with the Americans.

    As for Canada, Harper's aggressive trade strategy has
    been aimed at getting into foreign markets before the
    U.S. to give Canadian exporters an edge.

    With Obama's announcement Tuesday, that window
    has begun to close.

    In short, Canada is under more pressure to make a
    deal while Europe is under less - which, for this
    country, is not a good position to be in.

    Ignored in all this talk of strategy is the question of
    whether a Canada-EU deal is a good idea. Many say it
    is not, arguing that Ontario would lose manufacturing
    jobs, that drug costs would rise and that the promised
    benefits from any deal are highly exaggerated. Still,
    this is a deal that, in some form, seems bound to go
    through. Harper's Conservatives want it and they
    control the government.

    New Democratic Party Leader Tom Mulcair has given
    his support to the idea, telling a Montreal audience last
    week that "a trade pact with Europe is exactly what we

    While the cagey opposition leader has left himself
    room to denounce any specific deal, the fact that he
    has embraced Canada-EU free trade in principle
    effectively puts the NDP onside.

    And the Liberals? They've been in favour of free trade
    since 1993. A Canada-EU deal seems inevitable. But
    now, with America in the mix, the terms for Canada
    may be even less favourable than expected.

    Thomas Walkom is a national affairs columnist for the
    Toronto Star.

    A Free-Trade deal with the EU would spell disaster for Canadian agriculture AND manufacturing.

    Harper is stupid to even consider it.


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