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    Coming soon to a country near you.

    Venezuela's government announced Friday that it is
    devaluing the country's currency, a long-anticipated
    change expected to push up prices in the heavily
    import-reliant economy.
    Officials said the fixed exchange rate is changing
    from 4.30 bolivars to the dollar to 6.30 bolivars to
    the dollar.
    The devaluation had been widely expected by
    analysts in recent months, though experts had been
    unsure about whether the government would act
    while President Hugo Chavez remained out of sight in
    Cuba recovering from cancer surgery.
    It was the first devaluation to be announced by
    Chavez's government since 2010, and it brought
    down the official value of the bolivar by 46.5 percent
    against the dollar. By boosting the bolivar value of
    Venezuela's dollar-denominated oil sales, the change
    is expected to help alleviate a difficult budget outlook
    for the government, which has turned increasingly to
    borrowing to meet its spending obligations.
    Planning and Finance Minister Jorge Giordani said the
    new rate will take effect Wednesday, after a two-day
    banking holiday. He said the old rate would still be
    allowed for some transactions that already were
    approved by the state currency agency.
    Venezuela's government has had strict currency
    exchange controls since 2003 and maintains a fixed,
    government-set exchange rate. Under the controls,
    people and businesses must apply to a government
    currency agency to receive dollars at the official rate
    to import goods, pay for travel or cover other
    While those controls have restricted the amounts of
    dollars available at the official rate, an illegal black
    market has flourished and the value of the bolivar has
    recently been eroding. In black market street trading,
    dollars have recently been selling for more than four
    times the official exchange rate of 4.30 bolivars to
    the dollar.
    The announcement came after the country's Central
    Bank said annual inflation rose to 22.2 percent in
    January, up from 20.1 percent at the end of 2012.
    The oil-exporting country, a member of OPEC, has
    consistently had Latin America's highest officially
    acknowledged inflation rates in recent years. Spiraling
    prices have come amid worsening shortages of some
    staple foods, such as cornmeal, chicken and sugar.
    Seeking to confront such shortages, the government
    last week announced plans to have the state oil
    company turn over more of its earnings in dollars to
    the Central Bank while reducing the amount injected
    into a fund used for various government programs
    and public works projects.
    Giordani said the government had also decided to do
    away with a second-tier rate that has hovered around
    5.30 bolivars to the dollar, through a bond market
    administered by the Central Bank. That rate had been
    granted to some businesses that hadn't been able to
    obtain dollars at the official rate.
    It was the fifth time that Chavez's government has
    devalued the currency since establishing the currency
    exchange controls a decade ago in an attempt to
    combat capital flight.

    Currency devaluation is a backdoor tax increase
    on everyone including the poor. The socialists in
    Venezuela are killing their economy and have
    already eaten "the rich".


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