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Alberta Budget page. Fun with Numbers!

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    Alberta Budget page. Fun with Numbers!

    WEnt to this page and wow If I was Finance Minister of Alberta would I get you guys in ship shape.
    I even pegged oil at Below todays price and guess what after I was done you would have a surplus of 5.9 Billion.
    Cut BS programs that do nothing but create BS jobs.
    Keep infrastructure up to date and keep roads schools etc. fixed.
    Cut or keep wages where they are.
    Put a prov tax of 5% join the real world you screwed up now become like the rest of us.
    Fun times!
    Oh yea increase Corp tax and personal tax. Pay off debt then spend again like a Albertan.

    sadly, we no longer have politicians here
    that can do that!


      What happened!
      That's the question I have.
      Did it grow to fast.
      Piss poor planning.


        Numb nuts, er no nuts leadership. Get
        tough with, crack down on, no non sense,
        40 years of Progressive Conservatives at
        the helm. Regressive Conservatives er
        just plain simple Conservative no vision,
        corruption run, gobermont, leaves Albertie
        suckin in the wind. To bad so sad, ya get
        what ya elect. Wes all now wildly happy
        in Albertie ain't we?


          SASKFARMER3: I did the stupid propaganda piece and managed to retain most people services and with NO !@#$% sales tax still come up with a surplus of .6 billion dollars. Not bad for the times of low oil prices.

          Got rid of a whole raft of government support for tourism and business SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS but kept municipal and ORDINARY people support.

          Going to wipe out cookies for this site and run it again just for practice in case I get the job of Deputy Finance Minister in the "Little Red Hen's" government.

          Actually, I believe that the whole thing is just a prelude to the government SLASHING of more "PEOPLE SERVICES"...you know like...HEALTH, EDUCATION, SENIOR BENEFITS AND HOUSING in the up-coming BUDGET.

          The concept of the people of Alberta having a say in our future budgeting is totally at odds with the way the PCs have run and are still running Alberta.


            Will you did like me, Kept infrastructure and senior and native support plus put in a health program and prov pst and boom a surplus. Got rid of useless programs that did nothing, created nothing.
            It was fun! maybe Sask needs a new finance number I can take us over the top, since for way to long we wanted nothing. So any thing above nothing is great.


              I just had a little birdy tell me what enbrige is paying
              to ship on its new program,currently looking for
              companies to short,tell alberta to knock another 15%
              off royalties.


                Its a bullshit exercise. Useless Red Tory government thats looking for excuses to put in a sales tax. (and how much conventional crude is produced inn alberta? I see drilling rigs all over central alberta every time I'm home. The heavy discount is also a smokescreen to push a pipeline east or west (or railcars).
                We can't depend on the US as a customer and the PC's should not have been re-elected when Ralph stepped down.


                  All of a sudden we can't trust the americans as customers, we don't want to do business with those dam chinese. Well pretty soon we can do it the old Sask NDP way. We will just leave it in the ground it doesn't cost anything to store it there and is a lot less trouble. You can't have your cake and eat it too!!!!!!!! You have to deal with the problems that stem from poductivity and economic activity.


                    carebear: Our AB Premier was crying about how our oil is so heavily discounted and on and on. The truth is ITS CRAP. That bitumen is crappy oil and nobody is going buy it unless they can get it CHEAP. It also costs more to produce and without special tax and royalty relief there wouldn't even be any.

                    Pipeline it anywhere...it doesn't matter, they're still selling junk oil which requires special solvents to even move it and another pipeline or tanker truck to route it back to source. This bitumen also requires more elaborate and expensive refining methods and equipment.

                    The best way to handle this tarsands oil is to process it here in Alberta AFTER our conventional oil is depleted. At the rate conventional oil is whistling out of this province at present that won't take long either.


                      Now processing it here in Canada makes the most sense of anything that has been talked about on this site for ages. That way you keep those processing jobs here and value add the oil. Makes too much sense will never happen DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        Gotta remember boys/girls that Alley is
                        a low life, bottom feeder in real life
                        appointing other bottom feeders ta
                        represent Albertie. This grade a
                        politicos is all about the money, as
                        much of it as they kin get their slimey
                        hands on, however whenever whereever.
                        They'll do anything ta get it. GREED is
                        king er queen here in Albertie.... All
                        else, who cares. I never voted fer the
                        C's this time either, never will agin.
                        Heil Harper!


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