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US Wheat conditions.

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    errol. Thanks

    Do you think the recovery in wheat stocks may have to do with lower cattle numbers in the states?

    My theory is that if they closed a 4500 head/day slaughter house in texas, that equates to (4500 x 365) 1.5 million head per year that are no longer there producing calves. That is alot of feed no being chewed through.

    Your thoughts?


      I will let Errol answer your question

      You like to make things complicated. Not a technician but what are the charts trying to tell you? Spreads in futures months? Changes in volume and open interest?


        bucket . . . believe this herd reduction
        is more an issue for corn than wheat.

        Suspect that U.S. priced themselves out of
        the global wheat market late summer and
        turned off some buyers. They lost market
        share. It's starting to come back now.

        But it's always easier to lose a buyer and
        earn one back.


          Let the whinning and snivelling continue.
          Is there know end ta Comedian framers
          looking fer a level field? Protein
          spreads are bullshit at the besta times
          cousin those machines is inaccurate,
          duhhhhhhhhhhh! Grain companies make'em
          say whatever they wants them ta say.......


            Thanks for the protein chart Charlie.

            Two things:
            1: Under the circumstances, if Western
            Canada is awash in protein and no one is
            getting paid for above average protein,
            then no one should be discounted for
            below average protein either. If they
            are, Handlers are taking the spread for
            themselves, imagine that!!

            2: We don't consume all we produce, with
            that being said does it mean the World
            is awash in protein also? Nobody needs
            any high protein wheat to blend up some
            poorer performing wheat?

            Yeah I might be able to keep it til next
            year and make payments and cash flow
            operations with other commodities, but
            the last time I checked bins aren't



              If there's one thing I've taken from the grain
              business to the farm it's this. If the market is
              telling you they don't want to pay for something
              valuable you have, don't sell it to them.

              I understand that not everyone is going to be in a
              position to execute on that statement for cash flow
              or storage reasons, but if you can it's worth it.
              Don't want to sound like a know it all but maybe
              can price some new crop in the next couple
              months and deliver some of that stuff against it?
              Personally have priced some new crop spring
              wheat already but are going to wait to do more. I
              think we are in the midst of a massive correction
              upward in the wheat market.

              It's a complete joke that no one wants to pay you
              anything better that a 13.5 for that stuff. Too many
              dumb robots in the grain business I guess.


                HappyFarmer: I understand what you're
                saying. But, I don't think they will
                write a protein premium into a new crop
                contract just like they wouldn't last
                year. You can answer that for me, did
                they? I agree, if I knew I could cash
                flow the coming crop year without
                selling this stuff I would keep it, but
                bin space.... .

                The new mantra is being happy with final
                price in your pocket- grade and protein
                don't matter anymore, if that's the
                case then don't grade it boys!!!
                Evolution right before our eyes!!!


                  I guess my train of thought is that even though
                  you can't write a protein premium in the contract,
                  you would think the likelihood of having another
                  Canadian crop with this kind of protein in low. You
                  would then get the applicable premiums at time of
                  delivery. But I guess you never know.


                    It seems absolutely crazy that no companies pay for protein above 13.5 especially if someone has protein above 16.

                    The CWB pool does sign contracts with categories showing protein up to 14.5, be interesting to see if there is added value with that.


                      2012 no protien premium, its not going to stay that way


                        although if too many farmers sign contracts for hrsw without the protien price then protien is going to be worth not much, no one would sign a hard red now would they?


                          in australia no premium over 14% extra
                          protien is worth jack shit as endusers
                          have to blend lower quality wheat to
                          bring protien down.

                          Our protien parameters never change and
                          price per % pint of protien doesnt vary
                          much from year to year.

                          ask your local baker breadmaker candle


                            Bakers WANT 13.5 protein wheat... ESPECIALLY when
                            the US crop has SCADDS of extra px. Winter, Spring...
                            soft, hard... it was an unusually hot dry summer down
                            south... that made px a byproduct of the year. Same up
                            here in Canada in many cases. I doubt you could find
                            one end user that would want your high px wheat...
                            BLENDING DOWN isn't easy to get 13.5 from over
                            16px... to get a good wheat grist that makes good
                            flour on every last loaf... and mill without extra flour
                            extraction loss... the kernels need to be the same... as
                            low px... which seldom is the case.



                              Another challenge to a least some flour
                              mills/bakeries is on going challenges with poor
                              dough strength from western Canadian. From
                              Mondays meeting, this is coming from current
                              varieties and recent weather conditions. Not 100 %
                              sure the relationship but I think closely related to
                              gluten strength.

                              As TOM4CWB said, flour millers and their customers
                              want consistency above all else. From Monday's AWC
                              meeting, our customers (flour mills, bakers, etc) are
                              pretty sophisticated in how they use our wheat but
                              they need to know what they are dealing with.


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