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Redford speech: now what??

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    Redford speech: now what??

    ?? . . . .

    Your premier will likely throw a lavish Valentine's
    Day party, paid for by taxpayers, so she can
    close sweet deals with: her husband, loyalists
    who cover her back, and potential funders for the
    CPA. Pars


      Lovely! Think she will have her glass slippers on?


        If anyone wants a copy of that eight minute speech Redford made, the Edmonton Journal has it. I especially like the little mouth twitch that she displays.


          That 8 minutes cost us 55000.00 dollars, if I had 8 minutes and 55000 dollars to blow it in I could sell it to the US networks and make a reality show that would make us money.
          With her we got 8 minutes of poor lubrication and the message was simple.
          Bend over here it comes....


            The chickens are coming home to roost....over 10 years of spending like drunken sailors is about to end! The "Allison in Wonderland" election budget of 2012 is turning out to be the sham every opposition party said it was?
            For all you poor souls who voted for this liar.....Don't get fooled again!
            Come on over to the Wildrose.....the only conservative party in Alberta!


              My fear is that Canada is now heading into
              a bigtime recession as a result of this
              gross mismanagment. This will likely crack
              even the Calgary housing market.

              Loonie under heave pressure today . . .
              likely the Redford afterglow affect.


                Isn't anyone wondering why Redford didn't sign on to the letter sent to Obama regarding Keystone singed by 10 US Senators including Nebraska (the original opposition) and Saskatchewan's premier? No media has picked this up??? One would think the patch would be screaming. Our premier made the point that it is good for us and our neighbours to the west. Do we now have to sell Alberta's oil for them too? My gosh how the two provinces have flipped around. Check out the farm programs & number of ag department employees compared to SK, extrapolate that to other government departments and you'll see why you have a huge deficit.I guess this is the start of her austerity program in that she didn't have to pay her 12th of the 88 cent stamp.


                  Isn't anyone wondering why Redford didn't sign on to the letter sent to Obama regarding Keystone singed by 10 US Senators including Nebraska (the original opposition) and Saskatchewan's premier? No media has picked this up??? One would think the patch would be screaming. Our premier made the point that it is good for us and our neighbours to the west. Do we now have to sell Alberta's oil for them too? My gosh how the two provinces have flipped around. Check out the farm programs & number of ag department employees compared to SK, extrapolate that to other government departments and you'll see why you have a huge deficit.I guess this is the start of her austerity program in that she didn't have to pay her 12th of the 88 cent stamp.


                    singed vs signed...my dislexia shows up again. I once held up a sign at a demonstration saying "there is no dog".


                      BITCH U MANNNNNN! LOL


                        If alberta cant balance what hope is there for
                        anyone else.our fiscal problems are deep and
                        structural in nature and there is no politcal
                        possibilities of fixing anything,we are all greek


                          Just imagine for a moment . . . .

                          Margaret Thatcher (in her hey-day)
                          debating Barack Obama.


                            Blaaah, Blaaaah, Blaaaaah, OIL & gAS, gas
                            and oil, oil and gassss, gasssss and oily
                            sh-t! WTF ain't thure anything else in


                              ah.....seabass.....come into my lair!
                              We'll change you into a proper little conservative.


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