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Calgary oilmen unease

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    Calgary oilmen unease

    Realize this is not directly related to
    ag, but it has an overall impact on
    Western Canada as many are employed in
    the oil and gas business.

    There appears to be a growing unease
    over the Alberta oil discount to WTI.
    Believe it is around $30 to $40 per
    barrel which is a massive collapse in
    our spot price . . . which believe is
    more normally discounted $3 to $5.
    Realize this has been mentioned on
    Agriville already.

    Amazingly, North Dakota's daily oil
    production now rivals that of Ecuador
    through fracking technology.

    Should this continue through 2013, this
    could turn into a major blow to the Cdn
    economy.The good news is that our fuel
    prices could stay down for a very long

    Believe Canada is already in-recession,
    but it will take till spring/summer
    before gov't data catches up.

    Fallout likely to continue in our Cdn
    housing market (IMO). Foreclosures are
    apt to increase in this environment.

    Food-for-thought . . . are markets now
    at the start of a broad-based pullback
    in prices?


    Getting worried about our currency taking a big

    The japan,the europe and the us,are all openly
    saying they want to move their currencies lower,if
    the canadian dollar only absorbed a fraction of the
    capital seeking saftey we would go through the
    roof,we are just so small.


      The discount from WTI to Edmonton select
      was a record $44 per barrel last week
      which is why even the Alberta PC's are
      nervous. Last springs budget used an oil
      price of 99 which every one except them
      though was ridiculous. So now AB is
      plunging into deficit at an alarming rate.
      Don't blame me, I voted WR.


        cotton, didn't Switzerland have to fight off that problem a year or more ago? What did they do?


          The Swiss are considered safe but do not
          remember them doing any policy measures,don't

          It's not bad to have a strong currency,unless you
          personally export and then compete with imports
          to boot.

          I have zero doubt about major currencies
          restructuring,but as I see the dominoes fall I'm
          scared for Canada.

          I'm sure wd will set me straight.


            Actually the Swiss have been printing
            francs like mad and using them to buy up
            worthless Euro so that the franc does not
            go higher. These worthless Euros are then
            lent to Germany making their interest
            rates negative and bankrupting the German
            pension plan among other things in the


              To heck with the oilies. Alberta's
              problem is that it has not got a decent
              royalty rate. They is given the oil ta
              the oilies. Get a fair return fer the
              product then maybe ya could get the public
              behind somea the pollution and exploitin
              that going on in the tar sands in Fort


                ajl, your right, here's two press reports,

                http://www.rferl.org/content/Switzerland_Becomes_First_Major_Western_Currency_T o_Devalue_Currency/1509618.html

                http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/Switzerland_hit_by_currency_devaluation_race.html? cid=28504670

                they started awhile back, longer than I thought.


                  What few realize: Alberta is not paid royalties on Western Canadian Select, which is what is always quoted as being at a discount of $40-44 under West Texas Intermideiate.
                  Western Canadian Select is a mixture of upgraded bitumen, synthetic oil, and condensate. The actual royalty is paid for raw bitumen......at less than $30/bbl. The actual royalty paid is incredibly low, until the "oil sands project" is totally paid for. Theoretically Suncor and Syncrude will reach "payout" in 2015.....at which time royalties might rise as high as 16%.
                  The oilsands really pay almost nothing. The real benifit is the high paying jobs and taxes collected.


                    Bakken is condensate, or close to it. It wouldn't surprise me to see drilling slow in SESK as every small town and former village are loading railcars with Bakken oil. They can't get rid of it fast enough. Surprising number of trucks also bringing oil up from N.D. to rail out on CNR, CPR and SSR.
                    Drilling maybe curtailed to offset leases or leases facing expiry.


                      Brad Wall is trying to bring attention to this issue.



                        People need to Research The Real History of Switzerland..............


                        World Headquarters of Evil?

                        Switzerland is a country without any natural resources, producing expensive watches, chocolate and milk products, unable to compete in international markets due to one of the highest costs of labor – yet it is one of the richest countries in the world!

                        True she has Nestles, Novartis and Asea Brown Boveri but I think the secret is Credit Suisse and UBS. Switzerland became a perfectly controllable serf for the Illuminati Bankers and has been entrusted with many delicate and important tasks. Due to this role, it is never exposed to wars and financial catastrophes – proving how both are controllable and artificially inflicted on the rest of us.

                        I have lived in Switzerland for 14 years and here are my observations of this strange place and even stranger people.

                        1. Back in medieval ages, a group of communities tucked between Alpine peaks created a tiny country. Eventually other small communities (not only German but French and Italian as well) joined. What is the “glue” holding this country together? It is not the language and the culture.

                        These three nationalities actually HATE each other. Swiss people even joke about it! They do not have friends in the other parts; they do not intermarry, and they rarely travel to the other parts. There are some mixed towns. This means you must talk German on the eastern side of the river and French on the western, that’s all. Regardless the fact that it’s mandatory to learn the language of your neighbor in school, do not expect the French Swiss to respond in German or vice versa. In the Italian part, the safest bet (besides Italian) is to speak English!

                        2. The Vatican, one of the greatest evils of this planet, very early (in the year 1506) created the Vatican Swiss Guard. Why can only Swiss people provide its security? They do not need to be Catholics ( but must be Swiss. Why? Here in Switzerland everybody knows that when the Swiss Guard boys retire and come home, they join a very exclusive “ole boys club”. They become practically untouchable by the police, obtain the most lucrative positions etc.

                        By the way, if one Swiss guy wants to become officially Catholic, all he needs to do is to write “Catholic” on his tax return. From this moment on, a portion of his income goes there instead of his original church. Isn’t that great? The state puts your money in the tithe basket on your behalf!

                        3. During the Napoleonic wars (read: when Rothschild defeated all European powers at once and became their “controller”) Switzerland was invaded for the last time in history. Since then, the banking industry became number one here and Switzerland became immune to financial meltdowns and military conflicts elsewhere.

                        4. Majority of global “movers and shakers” meetings (like the World Economic Forum in Feb. 2009) takes place in Switzerland. One is Davos, one St.Moritz, sometimes Geneva. Don`t make me laugh – it’s not for the scenery. It is for the same reason why only Swiss people (regardless Catholics or not) are allowed to protect the pope.

                        5. In every country of the world you can meet different people: good and bad, lazy and workaholics, funny and without sense of humour. The key word is DIFFERENT or VARIETY. Here all the people (except immigrants of course) act the same. It is not about being obsessed with quality or being workaholic. I have no problem with that.

                        The problem starts when you ask local people questions, serious questions about life, social issues, politics etc. You will hear the same answers, very often put into the same words, even similar facial expressions. I can understand that some cultures promote individualism more than others, but this Robot-like behavior of the whole population reminds me some cheap horror movies.

                        How is this possible? It seems to be some kind of mind control application that works. The population became so uniform and predictable that it is safe for the ruling elite to use it.

                        Perhaps psychiatry has something to do with it. In Zurich there are more psychiatrists than dentists! At the same time, Switzerland has the highest percentage of the retarded/mentally “challenged” persons I have ever seen.

                        The use of psychiatry as a tool of control (governmental terror) is very well known. Most political dissidents of the late Soviet Union ended up in the psycho-wards because “you had to be crazy to see the Soviet Union as less than a perfect state”.

                        Some cultures (like French or Italian) live by the rule “live and let others live”. Swiss follow the rule “suffer and make others suffer”.

                        Hard to believe, but here, in Switzerland the quality of your work does not matter. Your boss or supervisor WILL come and WILL be upset with your “poor performance” (regardless quality and/or quantity- wise). Then, somebody above your boss WILL be upset with his “poor performance”.

                        This is a daily procedure of establishing and confirming who is under-dog, upper-dog and alpha-dog in the group. Weird, isn’t it?

                        Let me add two more (quite funny) examples.

                        First – following the aforementioned “suffer and make others suffer” doctrine, Swiss created a law that you are not allowed to flush your toilet at night! Everything must stay put till 7AM! Sounds unbelievable but please check it out on the Internet.

                        For the second - Regardless which side of a sidewalk you choose, the approaching person will walk straight into you and force you to step aside. At first you think it was a strange coincidence but after a few years here you learn the trick. You MUST walk straight into incoming person and look him/her straight in the face ready for a collision/confrontation. You MUST force the other person to step aside. It is a “dog’s world” here.

                        The Swiss mentality has an unwanted (but unavoidable) by-product: COMPLETE LACK OF CREATIVITY. How many real, worldwide recognized artists has Switzerland produced?

                        Yes, it is true: ZERO. Zero in the past, present and future. The only “exception” I found was the famous architect Le Corbusier but even he moved to France, took French citizenship and never returned to Switzerland. There is more. He become a vocal supporter of Mussolini and when the fascist Vichy government was established – he joined it! Now of course these “little details” are swept under the rug.

                        In some countries, prostitution is legal, in some it is not. In Switzerland, it is legal. The minimum age is 16! I This is legalizing child prostitution so worldwide media never mention it. Currently Swiss parliament debates a proposition to legalize incest….

                        You can try an internet search: “evil France”, “horrors of Russia”, “dirt in the USA” and you will find many articles. Some true, some not, but many. If you try similar search on Switzerland, you will find nothing. Coincidence? When some people say “evil rules the world” I am ready to respond “and resides in Switzerland”.


                          I just laugh at the stupidity of those against a pipeline. The oil is going to get pulled out of the ground so the alternatives are already showing up ie. trucking or rail of more oil, both of which are 100X more risky for the environment. Environmental stupidity at its best.



                            Folks, Better get with Reality. Trains gunna Be Movin This Oil out fer A Long, LONG Time, WHY yous ask????? Cause all These Transload Facilities bein Built all over, Are fer LONG Term Contracts. What yous think These Outfits Spending Millions to Build em' only gunna last a Year er Two till The Pipe Lines Built????? LOL. Besides This is Buffet's Gravy Train, Why yous Think He Wagered his WHOLE NET WORTH To Buy BNSF????? Its Not What Yous Know, Its Who Yous Know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              For the second - Regardless which side of a sidewalk you choose, the approaching person will walk straight into you and force you to step aside. At first you think it was a strange coincidence but after a few years here you learn the trick. You MUST walk straight into incoming person and look him/her straight in the face ready for a collision/confrontation. You MUST force the other person to step aside. It is a “dog’s world” here.

                              Pretty funny. That would explain why the European people run you off the sidewalks in Mexico.


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