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    So the solution to gun violence in the US is put volunteer armed guards in every school? LOL. What a bunch of fools. If armed guards are needed to protect the nations children then surely they need armed guards at day cares, churches, church camps, shopping malls the list is endless.

    No what the US needs, is armed militias (the good guys preferably dressed in white) patrolling the streets and all the possible locations that mass shootings may occur. This will certainly reduce the number of innocent people who will be shot.

    the nra is the amer4icn taliban


      The U.S. version of gun control is "using both hands".


        I am getting Real Sick and Tired of Peope Flapping Their Gums not Knowing The Facts. Folks This Shooting was an Inside Job, THAT SIMPLE. Way to many Facts to Deny. The Elite are Manipulating yer Reality, Time to Pull yer Head out of yer Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



          If you believe that crap you truly need professional help.


            Problem Reaction Solution - Create a Problem, Offer a Solution to it IE: Whats Happening now with The Attack on Gun Ownership

            Refute The Facts Stated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              There is no attack on gun ownership, the U.S. has 50 % of the guns in the world. Even if they banned all gun sales there would be no shortage.


                It definitely is a different culture down there and a different way of looking at guns.
                I'm not sure why anyone would need a high powered gun capable of shooting 20 or 30 shots at a time unless they were in a war or something?
                Maybe they think they are going to be in a war with their government?


                  When they included the right to bear arms there were flintlocks and a recently defeated despotic ruler. The right to bear arms is conflicting with the right to life and liberty.




                      BTO: I understand what the intent was of the 2nd amendment....including what the founders expressed through the "federalist papers". Their intent was definitely to allow the citizen the firepower to over throw a tyranical government!
                      I hope you also realize Canada was not built on this premise?
                      I have some problems with the Sandy Hook disaster. It seems to me no one is asking the tough questions? Like how did that AR 15 walk out the door by itself and get in the car trunk? Or what happened to that second guy who was arrested in the woods? It would seem if this thing went down like the cops are now saying it did, then they could explain that? Not a word though....what is with that?
                      I think it is healthy to ask these kind of questions and not believe everything the government or media tell us?


                        Conspiracy theories or nut bars?
                        No matter what angle you look at this
                        from the sad thing is innocent people,
                        and most sadly, children lost their
                        lives over what? What a lack of respect
                        for human life. Sickening no matter
                        what. If it was simply a nut bar, why
                        harm innocent children? If you want to
                        make a statement and harm yourself, go
                        ahead but leave the innocent alone.

                        What has society become? Someone on
                        here mentioned-- the only generation who
                        is able to sit in a make believe world
                        killing people for numerous hours a day
                        in their parents basement via online
                        gaming. I've thought that for some time
                        too. Get a job, and make a contribution
                        to society, volunteer, do something of

                        The internet is a very valuable tool,
                        but all the "crap" available on it has
                        desensitized society, nothing is sacred
                        anymore and nothing is left to the

                        No Fear... of society, parents or Higher
                        Power. No Wonder!!!

                        Enjoy the Season Folks. Best wishes.


                          In regards to the last video;

                          " The Second amendment is about matching force (with the military)" I hadn't laughed so hard is a long time. The American citizenry have some catching up to do, after all, who brings an AR-15 to a M1-A1 Abrams fight. LOL


                            What is the deterant?

                            None at this time, the prison system is full.
                            Solution, work camps in Alasks, then the ultimate
                            deterant. Didn't think of my self as a red neck.
                            Gun laws, metal detectors, armed guards, etc are
                            not a solution, so what would be?


                              So how many men here if they were there and had a
                              side arm wouldn't have tried to stop it?

                              What if the loser tried using a fuel truck instead and
                              you still had your side arm?

                              Cant make bad guys go away and you can't make
                              guns go away.

                              Kind of like decriminalizing drugs,guess who hates
                              that thought the most,the drug dealers.


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