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Sell wheat to American buyers fob farm?

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    Sell wheat to American buyers fob farm?

    With the wheat market where it is $15.36 in Bottineau,

    has anyone looked into offering wheat to american buyers fob farm in Canada?

    Been tried.Customs snafu BIGTIME!Safety in numbers!!877-554-2106


      It seems the fact that NAFTA gives Americans property rights in Canada that we don't have, and the CWB must comply with NAFTA should help.

      Also, the grain on your farm is agriculture whereas the CWB Act is trade and commerce. Sommerville beat the CWB on that one. Past rulings even have a farmer selling his produce as still part of agriculture.

      However it appears section 69 of the Act doesnt help.

      "Any contract or agreement for the sale, purchase, or transportation of wheat or wheat products in contravention of this Act or of any regulation or order is void."

      You don't want to end up fighting Customs instead of the Board and also it may not be easy to get an American imvolved.

      Seems to me its more simple to get the Governor in Council to order export licences to producers. The Conservatives say they want to free us, no changes needed in the Act, nothing in the Act to stop it and it can be done while prices are still high.


        Border crossings with CWB grains sans export permits is much different than it used to be pre 9/11. CSIS was always involved before but activity like landed some farmers in jail before could result in terrorism charges now.

        On the US side, crossing with anything being imported to the States involves more paperwork ahead of time and a narrow pre arranged window of time to cross. Also, "Homeland Security" didn't exist before 911, now they run the show. It's just a lot more complicated than "running the border".

        An American trying to export your wheat bought onfarm would experience the same barriers. It just won't work.

        My advice is to lobby for the export licences from Govenor in Council or, better yet, just scrap the CWB completely.


          The Minister simply has to give a Ministerial Order to the CWB.

          Surely he can give an order.

          "As allowed under Part IV Licensing of the CWB Act, the CWB is hereby ordered to issue to all farmer applicants, right across Canada, both export and interprovincial licenses, in order to harmonize with the CWB policy already enjoyed by farmers outside the Designated Area.

          Another thing to add;

          Canada Customs has been notified that all farmer licensing is hereby approved.



            The ministerial order works with gov't that thinks the right way. Or is it the "right" way? But if gov'ts change will the order be reversed? The best way to settle all this is to just abolish the CWB.


              Abolishing the CWB may be the best thing, but how do you do that without the support of one federal party? Many farmers don't want sit under this monopoly for 20 or more years, when licences can free us immediately.

              Would even Liberals or NDP then step in and order the CWB to start discriminating against Prairie farmers?


                OK, next question

                what would be the approximate trucking cost for wheat from Southern Manitoba to Southern Ontario?


                  Raven, I agree that licences would help short term. They may however help grain co's without much benefit going to most farmers. Granted, some farmers would do well if they take the time to get an end use cert, find elevators to take loads, do the customs thing, etc.

                  What I really mean when I want the CWB abolished is that if it is there in any way, dual market, free licences or whatever, there will constantly be comparisons, diatribe, votes (phoney or otherwise) and perpetual squabbling. Our industry needs to move forward without the encumbrances of the CWB argument.

                  And yes, the Liberals would definitely overturn a Conservative ministerial order. They've done it before.


                    Adam S., ever try to drive to southern ON without going part way through the US. OUCH!


                      Braveheart, I appreciate the dialogue. I would note that the Liberals never put oats back under.

                      While this constant squabbling goes on and on, is it not better that we have at least had the freedom of off-board feed grains in Canada?

                      In 1972, the Supreme Court ruled that producer grain is agriculture and outside the jurisdiction of the CWB which is Trade and Commerce. I submit that the CWB monopoly cannot function properly without the captive supplies of farmers, which they have not been given a right to. Give producers export licences and the monopoly is broken, and hopefully the bickering about the monopoly. It seems to me don't really hear that much about oats, etc.


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