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Have organic crop prices kept their spread?

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    Have organic crop prices kept their spread?

    Just wondering whether those that are dedicated to growing the 8, 10, or 12 bus per acre organic crops, are seeing their spreads per bus. for organic vs. (modern production methods) continue? That sure is an ugly wheat midge forecast map in Sask!

    Vader and Agstar77,

    Just a little question for you...

    Have Organic wheat prices been devistated since the CWB started to charge a flat low cost CWB export license?

    There should have been a massive outcry for the CWB move back to /return to full "pecuniary benefit" for organic wheat/durum/barley growers.

    But surprise... the market has not fallen into oblivion... wheat prices have done nothing but rise in the months since organic growers have been given full access to global markets!

    sO vADER... IT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO GET THE EXTRA $5/bu or more... but the commercial grain grower like me is too stupid/has no brain... and must have this "pecuniary benefit" extracted from my farm... to keep my next generation from farming...?

    You're... Arrogant, you take my $121/t on my FPC...and add it to the pool so you can boast about the good job the CWB has done in marketing my wheat in the pool?

    Agstar77, how is anyone supposed to respect ANYTHING any CWB person says?

    You put artifical deadlines/volumes on Fixed Price Contract... Force Majeure... so my farm can not partake in higher wheat prices...

    Your burning a bloody hole in the bottom of my belly... I could screeeem.

    But I must be civil... loving... happy... go by that CWB booth without flinching... ignore the pain... the mental abuse you heap upon us Vader...


      Vader & Agstar77,

      I have neighbours...

      They can't get financing on their land...

      They have enough value in their Wheat ... in the bin....at Fair Market value... to completely pay off their Morgates/debts...

      People should be lined up at their doors... to invest... in our next generation of family farmers... our heritage... NOTHING. Can't even pay our bills let alone our land off.

      You are sucking the life blood out of our farms. The club root rots our soil... because people/we won't grow wheat and barley... and rotate too close on Canola to try to survive...


        The CWB has latched onto the "pecuniary benefit" phrase as their salvation which they want to interepret as meaning "we can do what ever we please" which of coarse is ludicrous. However, we must be careful not to associate it with exporting costs, because unless the government sets the price of wheat and barley in Canada again, there is no pecuniary benefit because the act clearly states that it is "based solely" on the price difference inside and outside Canada.

        In all cases there is no pecuniary benefit.


          Tom you ask:

          "Agstar77, how is anyone supposed to respect ANYTHING any CWB person says?"

          There's an old saying: buyer beware.

          In the case of the CWB: Listener beware.


            Just curious as to how we reached the CWB issue from a thread that asked about organic yield losses relative to the increased income. The original thought was interesting to me given I saw a good presentation at a reduced tillage conference about inter cropping. I am also interested in topics like integrated pest and other ideas to reduce input use/costs.

            Diversity in markets and agronomics is good thing that allows us all to learn from the approaches of our neighbors.


              Grain Millers Yorkton Prices
              Organic oats $5.25/bushel S/O/N
              Conventional Oats $3.20/bus S/O/N
              Spot prices about the same.But no deilvery room till May.Not a big enough spread in oats to make me park my sprayer.


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