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"Canadian Wheat[CWB] Makes it Good"

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    "Canadian Wheat[CWB] Makes it Good"

    Chaffmeister and Incognito..

    This little "diddy" has always made my stomach turn... and I couldn't express the reason why before... THIS IS PART OF THE CWB DECEPTION... DISTORTION... DISTRACTION...

    I have a point of discussion that is designed to help get that knot out of our collective stomach... and explain why the CWB bugs many of us soooo much!

    The CWB has totally missed the point of why they should be our marketers.... because they don't have a relationship built on respect or decency... it is built on slavery.

    As it stands today... the CWB is selling SLAVE labour... at discount prices... threatening the SLAVES with internment, cruel and unusual punishment, and mental abuse if they object.

    ANY astute "Designated Area" wheat/barley grower.... that cares at all for their family, community, and business... can look and understand in five minutes that there is something obviously wrong with our western Canadian CWB marketing system.

    The CWB is not Just to be selling "Wheat and Barley"... The CWB is supposed to offer a relationship, one that folks the world over will pay a premium to enter into... BECAUSE CANADIANS CARE!

    A Truly great product... Which our Wheat/Barley ... COULD BE... would be produced by people who care, people who acheive and provide a high standard of safety and quality produce, people who honestly achieve these standards ... 24hours a day / 7days a week / 365 days a week.

    Internationally wheat/barley buyers pay the CWB slave wages for "their" growers/grain...

    Because they know we..._A R E_ SLAVES... therefore cannot be trusted ultimately... therefore... NO relationship... and _ N O _ premium!

    Without T R U S T and R E S P E C T ... we will never earn premium prices!

    I agree with the point that this relationship is not built on respect and that trust is lost.

    I have problems with what I consider exaggerations. However frustrated we might be with the CWB, we are not slaves. We have so many more choices then slaves. I think disrespect is shown to the experience a slave has when you talk about farmers as slaves. I don't think we have a clue what it is to be slave and I don't want to find out.

    Yes, Trust and Respect is a great way to build a premium price. There are other ways to differentiate as well.



      Have you been targeted by the CWb... if you went within 200 yards of a local elevator... BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO TAKE OUT A CWB PERMIT BOOK TO SELL N O N - B O A R D wheat and barley... they were to be alerted...

      I hauled 1 semi load in October of 06 of off-board feed wheat... and was shut off my contract (by the CWB) to deliver... till I signed a CWB Permit book up.

      How is the Daily Price Contract any different?

      People being paid $2.50/bu extra... because they would spin the roulette wheel... before they had any clue what quality they would produce... on a price that SHOULD be available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

      Please explain why when I haul a load of wheat to the elevator... why my produce should be worth $5000 a load less that my neighbour?

      Just because the Masser... says it is so:?

      Why exactly am I not a slave?


        Sorry... it was 96 not 06... but the regulations are still the same on this (delivery of off/non-board wheat/barley without a permit book)matters today as it was in 1996...

        It seems like yesterday... in any event!


          You're kidding right.

          Are you being just to slaves when you talk of being a slave? Could a slave choose a master?

          Granted you and many others are being unjustly treated. Does that entitle you to be unjust to others?


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