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Run To The Border

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    Run To The Border

    Yes I think it's time to go, not because I think it's what will bring us marketing freedom, but because I believe the cause is LOST.

    From what I can tell Harper and the New Liberals have no more intention to free up the wheat and barley markets than they have to fly to the moon.

    These guys have taken thier core supporters for granted and will pay the ultimate price. Liberal voters won't defeat Harper, Bloc voters won't defeat Harper, Dippers won't defeat Harper, but pissed off free enterprisers have taken a conservative majority down to two seats before and we'll do it again.

    So, message to Harper an his brilliant neo liberal strategist staff, when you guys see that first truck moving wheat across the border, know, and I mean deep down know in your heart, your done like dinner.

    You'll never be able to sell yourselves as defenders of the free enterprise system again. But hey you may get 1000 dairy farmers spread accross 30 ridings to vote for you, I guess it'll be worth it then.

    So am I going to sell wheat in the USA (illeagaly), probably, but it's going to be the worst day of my life because it will mean all hope for change with this crowd of Neo Liberals is lost.

    What a shame.

    Good luck in your run to the border. Let us know when you have the cash in your hand.


      Talk of never supporting Harper again is almost pointless for me.

      I am now ineligible to vote in the next election, since I don't have an street address (doesn't everybody???).

      First it was courier companies discriminating against a rural person. It is now complete with elections Canada joining in.

      However, I do feel your anger at the lack of action that Harper is showing. All you have to do is look at what the CWB is doing with the FPC basis, and realize that we are missing out on thousands of dollars by not being able to market outside of the board.



        Why can't you vote in the next election?

        I had a talk with the post office the other day... and even if we got a street address... it will NEVER be our street address... as Canada Post will never accept it till they actually had a mail box that they were authorised to deliver mail to... at that actual address. We both know Canada Post is not planning on giving us back our rural delivery.

        So who in Elections Canada told you a Box number address was not acceptable?


          I think that all the angriville marketeers, with big rigs should immediately load up and head for the border with barley and wheat on board. Don't even stop at CC, just drive right on through, Amerika desperately needs your grain, and will pay huge bucks for it. Then when you'll all get bagged, the whinning and snivelling can begin again, doubt that they will even prosecute you's cause they will be scared to reopen the debate, cause of all the bad publicity! Just like the long gun registry, Harp will ignore it, not get rid of it, just ignore it, squeeze it out, cut it off, drive it into the ground, starve it, tie it up, make it go away.



            The Chief Electoral Officer has "Adaptation Powers" to make sure no voter is disenfranchised.

            There was a mistake, Parliament will be dealing with it, if we can make it through the next 6-8 weeks without an election being called. What MP or Senator would vote against amending the law to maintain the right of the citizen to their right to vote... 100% will support fixing the mistake.

            This was an oversight, if you have an actual Legal land description... you have a civic address... but there are a few places in Canada that have not been officially surveyed... and that is the problem!

            You WILL be voting in the next Federal Election... if that is your desire!


              Jesus Adam,we actually agree on something.

              The cwb is a non issue for 99% of the public.What is harper waiting for?He is alienating his grass roots base for what reason?

              The west is a lock.
              The cwb issue has no impact in the rest of canada in the event of an election.
              Harper can pass anything he wants with the liberals on their knees.
              WTF is going on and why is Adam the only one telling it like it is?


                It's always my desire to vote. I am a huge believer in that right. It pisses me off when I vote and that vote is part of the majority and you still end up losing.

                The news yesterday was about showing picture ID with a valid street address on it in order to get your ballot.

                I live in an area where the whole valid street address is just not an option.

                Yes I could put my legal land description number on my picture ID as my legal address. But can you imagine the hastle you would get from even the police over where to try and find you if you didn't pay your ticket. Forget ever trying to write a cheque.

                They just don't get that anymore.


                  AdamSmith: Maybe we can git us a convoy and "run the border" just like the booze runners did way back when.

                  I would even pay to see the "mericans" in hot pursuit.

                  Tell us when you are going so we can get a film crew out there and the ambulances alerted.



                    More Angriville bravado, what a crock! Guess what duds, trets won't get it done. Name calling and BS are more likely to win the day in Kanada, politicos rule...........


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