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Winter Wheat Emergence 07

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    Winter Wheat Emergence 07


    We are now 4 weeks in EDM/ Ctr. Eastern AB with no significant germinating rain... a few half a tenth/many connect the dotters (just enough to keep grain tough... but nothing since the 10th of Sept. to facilitate the germination our Winter Wheat!

    Who has wheat fields that are up with good germination?

    Lack of moisture hasnt been a problem since last fall. Lacombe has excellant germ.

    Screw the CWB


      Should have mentioned on canola stubble as well as chemfallow.

      Screw the CWB


        We had the driest summer on record here. One (small) rainfall in September. The first batch of winter wheat we put in (Sept 20-21)surprised the heck out of us by emerging evenly and well after 6 days. Finished planting the second batch tonight and we're supposed to have 4 days of showers so it should be good too.


          Just checked mine today, it hasn't emerged through the ground but when I not more than brushed the soil, I could easily find the shoots. I seeded it Sept 25-28 into faily decent moisture.


            Oh yeah, SCREW THE CWB


              mine looks good seeded into canola stubble over 10cm tall off to a good start seeded 12 Sept.
              Screw the monopoly.


                It's to wet, it's to dry, the sun is shining the sun isn't shining. Grain prices are to high/to low. Crop insurance isn't a good/great deal. Politicos are threatening an election agin. Dollar is to high/low. CWB isn't working/ wringing every last copper form the market for the poor/rich framers, wo dooo them.... Boohoo lets hear the framers cry, prices are to high in the sky. Go figure, framing is a tough job, not all glory and shining big iron. I owe , I owe, so off to framing I go. To bad, so sad, winter wheat not up yet, oh well there is always next year, that's framing. So on and so on, makes me want to spit. You are a framers, grow up duds, suck it up and work smarter, not just harder! Maybe an old time rain dance is in order, or hire someone to seed the clouds, better yet, get the AB Dept of Gag to take that project on, they are good at pie in the sky schemes. Remember ostriches, emus, pigeons, mine horses, donkeys, and goats, bison, exotic brit beef.....


                  Didn't seed any, But if I did it probably would be nice now since we are wet.
                  Had another inch since Friday.
                  Burbert your an Idiot.
                  Screw the CWB.


                    I guess that means bubert's isn't emerging properly either ?????


                      Ours was planted around the first of September. Emergence is good and seems to be thriving. East central Alberta.


                        Seeded some before a half inch of rain in early September that looks marginal. Stuff seeded after the rain hasn't done a thing. Probably something wrong with the seed.


                          What`s the skookum on a DU benefit for seeding winter wheat?Heard from neighbour they will pay so much an acre to seed the stuff.What about fall rye then?


                            600 acres up and looking pretty, prepass working on vol. canola, seeded 12th of Sept. Done seeding wheat for 08 the rest will be oats and canola. Midge butchered the CPS this year


                              Burbert, no one needs your permission to discuss any issue. As far as you are concerned farmers should suffer, grin and bear it to give it all to your precious board.


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