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Anyone combining ?

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    Anyone combining ?

    Canola was tried in the area yesterday - would not test, off the chart.
    Grass was wet all day, no wind.
    Most guys are moving grain around freeing up air space. Local elevators are full of HRSW. Went for a drive last night lookin for my moose - a lot of standing canola and other crop out. Still some peas. Fabas look mature.
    A big flush of green coming in most cereals.
    Our early start may take a long time to finish.

    No just the strait cut guys on some standing canola. Moving very very slow.


      Canola swaths were 13.0 yesterday and standing wheat was 20.0%

      Getting tense here.... Sure it's early but it won't be much longer.

      Area maybe 30% done.


        We finished about 80 acres of standing wheat yesterday, testing 16%. Then tried later standing wheat at 18.5 and Canola at 15. Need a warm windy day to be able to go. Maybe Friday. The guage never showed much rain there, but the ground is sure wet.


          Radio expert said yesterday its been a great harvest way ahead of schedule, must not have flown over my area were at 15% tops and lots froze won t be worth combining now so maybe that's what they mean were 75% done they mean.


            The thought of combining has not even been on the charts in this area. Trying to swath canola in the mire and water. Not fun. So much for what looked like a dryer trend in June. Lots of swaths in water, lots of grain bags in water. Just plain stupid. No combining anytime soon.


              no change even trying combine would get stuck maybe saturday


                We're combining canola. Been going for 2 days since the wet event. Combine plugged end to end last night at 10:30. L252 is like combining those willow that grow on SK3's fields.


                  Sounds like a waste of equipment, glad we will have very rotten zero load on combine, swaths, eventually, maybe...


                    We're going on canola swaths.
                    11.6% moisture. Making more work and expense. Have to dry it.
                    Fun farming in east sask.
                    Where'd our drought go??

                    Dear Jesus,

                    Can we please have our dry weather back.

                    Thank you.



                      My wheat is testing 18 neighbors 8 miles away is dry.


                        finished our canola(tested 8.6@ 2pm), two neighbours doing lentils and creating alot of dust...


                          We're 17.4 standing wheat. Canola 12.2 and standing 9.9


                            Made canola soup today for 3 min - dumped in bush . Try the last bit of wheat tomorrow


                              Canola 8.5 by 3:00 this afternoon. Finished up last field so it's a wrap on 2015 canola.


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