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Strap-in: China stocks tumble

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    Strap-in: China stocks tumble

    Shanghai composite off to a rough opening in the early hours of September.

    Rumblings that China gov't pulling back financial support. This will impact commodities and equities tomorrow morning.

    Same here. Brown, blue and green. The green is weeds.


      Same here as well. Must have been all that SMOKE being blown our way!

      Late rains blow flax maturity crazy when early hot weather/drought.


        Same here as well. Must have been all that SMOKE being blown our way!

        Late rains blow flax maturity crazy when early hot weather/drought.


          My second attempt was posted twice... kind of like the blue flax blooms I took pictures of today! Server was slow... just like the rainfall this year!


            Out this morning.
            Officially, Canada in recession.


              farma, if you wait for the second growth, it'll really push your harvest late into the fall, and by then your earlier maturing balls will be on the ground. Plus, you'd be risking the second growth to frost and may not make anything. I agree, spray it now, as it'll still take 3wks to cut straight. Swathing will likely still take 2 wks to dry, and then you have the risk of a September Howler, blowing swaths for half a mile or more. I'd say act quick, as the more/bigger the green growth, the longer you wait.


                The great fall of China unfortunately means the great fall of Canada.



                  Here's two CNBC video clips that are about as clear as it gets about what is happening with markets and the Fed.




                    What kind of flax yields are you guys estimating this year?


                      Hopefully it doesn't affect their demand for canola.

                      Their markets have taken a phenomenal haircut.


                        I am thinking 75 percent of normal... normal being 30bu/ac. 23bu/ac.


                          Oliver, unfortunately it will impact demand. Asia is in an economic recession which means either demand or the price or both will go down.

                          The Cdn canola engine will be smaller this year . . . less production, less demand which suggests not much change in 2015-16 canola ending stocks (IMO).


                            Neighbor has "malt" barley that did the same thing. Emergence was good and all looked ok until lately, it thinks it should try again.


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