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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Well another week and only 1.2 inches of rain. Fields are getting soft and water is in low areas. Spraying you splash lots of times. Probably 1% is lost do to flooding in fields. The rain can end.
    Here we go.
    HRS is either swath or just about every one is done desiccating the crop. By Friday most fields will be waiting for two weeks to get done harvesting. Lots of low regrowth or still staying green spots. Some fields are so wicked thick its unbelievable. 7 miles away its thinner. I guess the early spring rains did pick winners and losers this year. Using a App from Seed guide for yield it looks like HRs will be fun to harvest this year.
    Canola is the crop lots of guys should fire their advisors over. What the hell are you waiting for if you have 10 to 15 thousand acres of canola or even 1 to 2. You have to get a plan and start and sacrifice the odd half or section. We had rain in our area and if the canola plant has been in the ground for 100 days and had a healthy time growing it will turn fast after a rain. Guess what it is happening faster than any of us could of imagined. Canola on pea stubble looks to be the big winner and also flax stubble. First rain hit fields are also the thickest. Slow swathing. Swath a half yesterday beside a half that had every thing in the world given to it. No difference in Pod size, Podded area on plant, and Disease. Some years it pays to watch the weather and judge what to do by that.
    Yield in our area which isn't that large will be above.
    Soy is filling nice with the rain and time will tell but its a good year so far to have Soy.
    Flax is the one crop that's all over the map but way less than last year for yield. Some fields its what the F%^K and some its ok.
    Dirty fields.
    On dirty fields it seems the guys who didn't do two pass with round up or two pass with liberty have issues lots of Wild oats coming now and Cleavers. Some fields real real bad.
    Barley the early that was swath before the heavy rain looks good but the stuff waiting now is sprouting and will be down graded. Late it swath since Sunday and looks good should be harvested tomorrow to Sunday.
    Oats is still not like last year but some fields have started to look good and turn others have started to look poor as the wild oats drops.
    Peas the early fields are in the bin or sold. Did get my price to move peas so let the whole works go. Late peas that weren't harvested before rain are flat on ground and have slowed down harvest. Lots were out when it rained. Fields worked and nice growth from rain.
    Corn is coming along nice and filling.
    Sorghum has seeds but dirty.
    Second cut hay is very nice and pastures are doing excellent.
    I would say were almost approaching surplus moisture in our area as water is just not going away after the last rain and pooling on surface. Oh well bring on a drought again next year. Crop is up to water where we seeded in spring first time in years might get a crop close to water. Creek running also.
    So as we move into major harvest operations in our area the next week gets very busy as your spraying swathing and harvesting all at once. Be safe its only a crop that the world pays peanuts for cheap food. Costs are going to go up drastically yet your pay check will drop. With the dollar a new Deere Quad comes in at $727. Ah but wait were suppose to be making more on our grain like brazil because grain is sold in US dollars. Yea like that's happening.
    Be safe and have a great week, Harvest Moon is right around the corner.

    When you desiccated do you also spray again after harvest? And then a preburn before seeding then twice in crop?Then again if fungus is needed? Sounds like you make it back and if you own the land good to keep it maxed out in productivity.But on some land does your sprayer go out 5 or 6 times?


      Sprayed barley yesterday. Canola next week for swathing. Wheat next week for spraying. Fabas dropping leaves.

      Thankful for this warmth. One guy has combined about 60 acres of barley. Canola going down, barley going down. Nice to have some August work for once.

      One thing I will say. Cps wheat is short. Cps wheat is not competetive with weeds. Freewheat is spraying cps wheat because of this. I used to grow genesis CPS white, and it was taller and more competitive. But it could lodge.


        We have for as long as I can remember since Round up is now cheap have sprayed to Kill the crop. Every thing except malt barley. Swath and harvest in 4, but last nights fricking storm F%$ked up that plan.
        This is done on all our owned land plus on land that we rent. Land that we rent has to be a 5 year rental or three. Clean fields are clean.
        This spring as a example all canola that was sprayed last fall and worked we didn't do a burn off before seeding, nothing was growing. All wheat stubble had a full liter last fall and was clean most fields were seeded and then only a section had a burn off. Rest just liberty and round up.
        We don't as a rule like to spray after frosts in fall as sow thistle etc are dead. or drying up. So for us in wet area roundup in August is a one shop clean crop.
        Fricking massive hail storm last night and rain. Crop checking today. Maybe lucked out as not much wind with it. But definitely more moisture and hail.


          Good progress being made here, 2 more days in wht. for me. quality and yields are very good, some guys just starting to combine canola, mixed bag there, some looks good some not as good.


            Finished Peas last night, went better than I had hoped for... Nice Little crop! Best pea harvest ever! All dry. Standing nice. RockRolling worked well.

            I will grow Saffron again! Very good yields in low areas where more moisture. Thanks to the Good Lord for a smile and many helping hands that make work fun and light!

            Working on Seed Penholder CPSRed. Down to 20 moisture yesterday... we hope to sneak off the first field swathed for a week(second growth); today... Here is to hoping showers/dewy mornngs take a break for a few days! Swathing Canola. Desiccated Fabas. Time to fix the flax with some Weathermax...Heat has never been approved not sure why growers would try to use it. Label is clear and warnings clearer still!


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