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Harper fails economy

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    Harper fails economy

    A new study by economists Dr. Stanford and Dr. Brennan found Harper has the worst economic record of any Canadian Prime Minister since WWII. They ranked the last 9 prime ministers on 16 different statistical financial indicators of the state of the health of the economy and Harper was the worst or second worst in 13 of the 16 rankings.
    This report, on top of his huge expansion of Canada`s debt, the falling Canadian dollar, and his failure to balance the budget this year as promised(PBO now predicts a $1 Billion deficit this year) really makes you question his economic leadership.
    Yet instead of hearing any type of plan from him all we get is fear mongering about the opposition and what they will do. Well I question if they could possibly do any worst Harper who has the worst economic record of the last 9 PMs.

    I can only relate to what I know. First, under the current government our family has had the best standard of living we've ever had. This is in the face of economic collapse and crises virtually every where else in the world.

    Secondly, I've never yet met an economic study that could be trusted. Behind the scenes (besides the money paying for the study) there's always an agenda.


      There was a recession in 2008. Our strong dollar did hurt industries in the east. Occurrences beyond his control. Has Obama came close to a balanced budget? I again point out governments do not create wealth they tax it.


        Besides, Western economic policy is non-existent. Despite the huge influx of resource dollars, all Ag programs, CGC, PFRA, Ag Canada, Western Economic Diversification kiboshed & No policy to strengthen transportation infrastructure. The West must fly by the seat of their own pants.


          Harper took over a farm with a set of good working equipment and bins full of grain.Basically can wear out equipment and empty bins and on paper you have a profit.


            dr Stanford is employed by the Canadian auto workers their salaries are that high that our automotive sector is leaving for the US


              LOL......great biased study.
              Shocking a study paid for by the pro-socialist Unifor/Canadian Auto Worker Union bashes a Conservative government.

              In actuality Canada has weathered the 2008 economic meltdown better than any G7 economy.


                And you have full information to make that statement Oliver!


                  So Harpers government has a billion dollar deficit. If he had the old 1/10th ratio to the USA it would be $65 billion. Could be a lot worse and will be if we get one or both of Trudeau/Mulcair.


                    BH. I glad you enjoyed the highest standard of living as you should have given we have had the highest commodity prices ever and that had nothing to do with Harper - it was totally supply and demand.
                    Hamlock, yes there was a recession in 2008 while he was PM. But we have a resource based economy and the prices for commodities were at an all time shortly after. How many years does Harper get an out of jail free card because of the recession? Do you really think 2008 is the reason our dollar is dropping now?
                    Happy Trails: How do you know our economy will be worse with someone other than Harper? Based on what facts?


                      Based on taxation pledges by the other parties, and the new spending they would love to do. Pharmacare, child care, rolling back the TFSA, income splitting, raising the gst back up, taxing carbon.

                      Those are all things that the leftists have stated as priorities. Do you really think that would stimulate the economy?


                        You do have to add Ontario and Quebecs debt to the Canadian picture to get a true idea of government debt in Canada. The day is coming when these two are coming to Ottawa looking for a bailout. Canada is finished at that point. There was little Harper could do about that though.


                          Yeah, the Ontario provincial debt is indeed getting kind of hefty.


                            How many billions is oil rich Alberta in debt?
                            Or is Rachel Notleys government responsible for creating the debt in Alberta?


                              Speaking of Debt and the Harper record

                              • Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.

                              • Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.

                              Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.

                              • Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.

                              • Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).

                              • Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.


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