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question for sf3

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    Assure gets in and those wild oats do not come back or the fox tail. We use assure with roundup on burn off if have bad fox tail.
    Want to clean up a new farm seed it to Liberty instead of Roundup canola and do a two pass first with assure and second at bolt with fungicide then a round up after crop off and next year the cleanest wheat field on the farm.


      I add a liter of 28-0-0 to the 1.33 rate Liberty and 10 gallons of water.
      I usually do a pre-seed glyphosate burn off and then only go in once with Liberty.
      This year with the snowstorms and frost we had to spray the early canola twice.
      Also, 1 liter of 28-0-0 with your .33L. glyph. burn off will help hit foxtail barley nicely as well.
      I have used Assure 2 with Liberty and it is a much better product then Centurion if you have foxtail barley problems.


        There's a fair bit of dew every morning. Go figure with the ultra dry conditions. But having said that, the weather could turn (maybe) and then watch it take off. If you're one of the lucky ones to have a crop, I would protect it with a vengeance.


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