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2 questions: expert advice needed....

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    2 questions: expert advice needed....


    (1) Its been a tough year and it isn't getting easier. Planted 500 acres canola on May 19th. (Dekalb 74-44) No rain prior then had 1/2 inch may 31. FULLY 80 acres did not grow(maybe100) Planted too shallow at 1/2 inch. Since then had a a tenth here there etc and a couple nice rains, totalling 2.85 inches (which is a lot more than many have had.) I can see i should have planted 3/4 maybe even an inch deep....shoulda, coulda, woulda.....

    Anyways, now I have 3 growth stages; tiny (won't make it), medium and normal.There is a 99.9% chance i will be straight combining this. My question refers to the 80 acre PATCHES that are now growing with weeds interspersed. I originally did a pre-burn of 3/4 liter and did only 1 in crop spray as i wasn't sure anything would even grow. Now I'm late on my main areas which is fine because they are hanging on, have filled in well and are flowering BUT the patches have POTENTIALLY viable crop growing with plants anywhere from 3-4 to 10 feet apart and weeds are same. Right now in my mind its a toss up as to spraying. I am thinking to combine these areas separately but that might be/become more trouble than its worth.
    QUESTION: should i go in with my small field sprayer and run over non-flowering patches (3 main areas of 10-15 acres each and 20 areas 2 acres or so every where else ) or should i just let it grow? I HATE tramping any of the nice stuff and of course the patches are in the middle of the field. thoughts/opinions/advice???

    (2) I have about 5000 bushels of hard red spring wheat that is the first wheat crop in 30 years on a really good piece of dirt.(2nd crop ever in same time frame) It had a frost so was graded #3 BUT is EXTREMELY HIGH PROTEIN AT 18.1% . Falling number is on low end at 205.
    QUESTION: whats the best way to market this? It is breeder protected so can't be used for re-seeding (cough cough) Who wants this and how do I get around the limits on protein payout from the SCAM ARTISTS that currently monopolize our grain system. (oops showing my bias don't hate on me) Am i selling this to a flour mill, a chicken farmer, a brewer etc. If I offered this to an end user, what might a per bushel price be? thoughts/opinions/advice

    Thanks for any insight you all could offer. Good luck. Hope it rains on your parade!

    Oh yea, I HOPE to get anywhere from 25-40 bushels on my canola and WONT SELL ANY below $11.85 until May of next year. Based on what I see, crops may look good from road but it aint so. At least 30-40 % yield reduction coming.

    If your looking for expert advice, you've come to the wrong place.....

    18.1 px WOW. In the old marketing system I think they only paid up to 15 or 15.5 (?). Good luck extracting a premium out of that, let alone any px these days. I don't think anybody needs, wants or can even use px that high for milling and the falling number isn't very good. Maybe the pig barns would like it if the vomitoxin is low. I have a feeling the country side
    will have lots of HIGH px wheat that isn't very plump this year. If there is no decent premium for you let
    the pigs eat it. Shop it around hard.


      Interested in the growing conditions that led to 18Px 205 FN wheat. Could be a blender for somebody.
      Canola. What weed mess r u setting up for at harvest and mext year. Wild oat messes can flare in a certain area years later. Weather will allow u only one of those crops.
      Expert on nothing.


        A guy phoned me yesterday from J and M grain in Great Falls looking for high protein wheat. His name was Justin. I Don't have a phone number but I'm sure you can find them on Google. Not saying he wants 18% protein but might be worth a call.


          Just my non expert opinion.
          Kill weeds. Good fore next year's crop.
          Accept yields losses. You're likely crop insurance ANYWAYS.

          Sell hi protien wheat now! Capture that premium before is gone. Everyone and their dog will have hi pro what this year.

          I have answers for others problems. None for mine.


            Agree with tmryfild on the wheat. Shop it hard now because without rain, high fertilizer rates make high protein wheat , i ass ume there will be lots.
            A rail car load is 3290 bushels if you want to order a producer car and rail it to the usa .
            Try James Valley Grain , Myron Jepson.
            Once you start phoning the USA you will learn many things usually positive insightful things. If you sell to the states accept payment in $US and do the exchange yourself at Custom House Currency exchange. You will have to do some paperwork but its not a big deal.
            Heck, go right to the source, Bobs Red Mill
            Or if you want to stay in canada, Rogers Foods
            You may have to clean the grain before shipping.
            I have delivered btrains to Armstrong BC area with QLine trucking.
            I have no opinion about spraying. Im no expert by any means. Im just a 3.... Dressed up as a 4!
            I like phoning around and connecting the dots and figuring stuff out to make money. The easiest and safest thing to do is get in line and dump it through the grates for less. No fuss , no muss. You get guaranteed payment and learn nothing more .


              Make sure you have a uniform representative sample
              of this high protein wheat. Lab test results, CGC,SGS or Intertek documents would be very helpful In relaying (fax/email) your sample information.


                richardson was offering $1.83 /bu premium (over $8/bu) for #1 or 2 at 15 px couple days ago


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