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    Is cubin the only poster on here that is in big time debt?

    Always the reference to "those with big debt" but no one on here is that, are they?

    A few farms going down is pretty meaningless to the big cities - the only place that matters. Besides there are a thousand farmers standing in line to farm the land so they just disappear like they never were.

    Its a drought for a chunk of western Canada for **** sakes, not the end of the world. You've never been thru hard times?

    Get a grip!


      Get a Grip, that ****ing program is long gone...

      Aid, **** if it doesn't rain here soon I won't be on aid, I'll be on Prozac.


        Is prozac subsidized by the government through medicare?


          Farmaholic, Maybe you should go out and scout at the game tonight for those other moist areas!!


            Cub is obviously not the only one on here up to his eyeballs. Just the only one with unrealistic viewpoint.


              BP, is that comment directed at me? I'm a little grumpy. If I chose to, I could be debt free. Pretty ****ing lucky. But it doesnt change the dry circumstances here and I hate losing money as much or more than the next guy.

              Farming: the stupidest, riskiest business in the world. I'm too stupid to do anything else.


                Agreed blackpowder - well said


                  I have just one question, do any of you see the big picture here. This drought involves millions of acres some of which will produce nothing. Therefore all effected producers will dramatically reduce their spending. We are talking in excess of a billion dollars in Sask alone. Think about the economic impact that will have. Now if your government why not throw some money at the problem. If farmers gets a dollar they'll spend it if not two dollars. This is a investment into the provincial economy.


                    Some will learn the hard way that buying out the neighborhood or watch it disappear will never be a good thing long term.

                    Economically or socially eventually it's a pain in the ass. Your retailers move because they can send a semi drop of your supplies.

                    Sometime study the effects of consolidation of elevators - it's the same thing.

                    Payments bad......yup and when some lose the next in line generation to take over over buy you out because there is sweet **** all to do out here..... well maybe we can all go sit in a provincially funded football field 9 times a year and call it an economic benefit.

                    Anyone getting the picture. Or ate you pulling a gerry and sticking your head in the sand about the effect of community in a year like this.


                      I'll make it through this year for sure. Half of last year's canola still in the bin, spray bill under$15/acre, only 50lbs of N in the ground. Next year scares me if it stays dry. Might bleed some money into dad's operation while I'm still liquid. Shit crops for 5 years makes it tough but many have had years of high profits, I have no sympathy for them. Run a business not a lottery folks.


                        You don't see the big picture. Big spending is one of the problems, too much debt, go big or go home mentality. I can see help for cattle guys since you can't rebuild herds easily. As for the rest of the big operators, somebody will farm the land with cheaper equipment and cheaper loans.


                          guys are dreaming if they think there will be a cash bailout. As others said that ship sailed years ago. we can agree that crop insurance isnt ideal and ag stability as it is now will not trigger but guys should have been putting money in agri invest. No govt will pay an acreage payment ever again imo.



                            Some of us went through the eighties. The sky is not falling.

                            Equipment will be sold and bought by someone. Land no longer rented will be picked up by another. Inputs will continue to be bought for the land. Just by better managers.

                            I suggest you seek help.


                              There is no doubt the last 10 or so years have NOT been a windfall for everyone. For example cattle guys are just getting back on their feet.

                              But when things get overheated there needs to be a reset.

                              One dry year should not destroy those who know about the ups and downs of farming.

                              Drought and crop failures are a major reason why Saskatchewan looks the way it does today.


                                Fine then. How much per acre would make a difference? 10? 30? 60? 100?
                                Who qualifys? To what acre limit?
                                Jesus, where have you been the last 30 *** years? Ànd your saying saving the Walmarts accelerate the economy short term greater than saving the mom and pop stores?
                                Fk Im starting a medicinal grow op.


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